From the University Senate Bylaws, Article VII. Committees:
Section 2. Hearing Committee
- The composition and election of the Hearing Committee, and procedures in cases of dismissal for cause, shall be as described in Article XI, Section 24, of the Statutes of Georgia State University.
- Complaints by a faculty member or members, other than proceedings for removal or non-renewal, shall be subject to the Bylaws or official instructions of the college, school, or other administrative unit to which the complainant is assigned. Appeal from the dean or other administrative official shall be in accordance with the policies and regulations of Georgia State University, and shall consist of a review through the appropriate vice-president channels of the decision and record of the original hearing. The Hearing Committee may be called upon to review the appeal by the appropriate vice-president and hearing procedures shall be as described in Article XI, Section 24, of the Statutes of Georgia State University.
- When the President considers the appeal of a faculty member upon a complaint, the President may call upon an appropriate committee of faculty members to assist in reviewing the record and to advise the President as a preliminary to reaching a decision. The functions of such committee shall be advisory in nature and shall not be binding to the President.
Minutes available upon request.
Contact Us
Questions and concerns relating to the University Senate, the Senate Bylaws, and/or the University Statutes can be sent to the University Senate and Staff Council Office, which provides administrative support.
Dionne Polite
In-Person Office:
Aderhold Learning Center
60 Luckie St NW
Suite 125
Atlanta, GA 30303
Mailing Address
Box 3966
Atlanta, GA 30302-3966