From the University Senate Bylaws, Article VII. Committees:
Section 1. Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost (who shall serve as Vice-Chair), and seven (7) elected members who are also elected members of the University Senate. The seven members shall be elected by secret ballot by the University Senate annually during the last Senate meeting of the academic year. No one of the several colleges, the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions, the School of Public Health, or the University Library shall have more than two (2) representatives on the Executive Committee. In the first three academic years following the consolidation of Georgia State University and Georgia Perimeter College, at least one senator from Perimeter College will be a member of the Executive Committee of the University Senate. In those three years, if no Perimeter College senator is among the top seven (7) vote getters, then the Perimeter College senator with the most votes will replace the senator who receives the seventh most votes.
- The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice per semester during the academic year. Additional meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the presiding officer, or upon written request of a majority of the committee membership. Adequate notice shall be given for any meeting, and a majority of the committee membership shall constitute a quorum.The minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee, at the discretion of the committee, shall be open to inspection by the faculty.
- The duties of the committee shall include the following:
- The Executive Committee shall serve as members of the Administrative Council, an advisory body to the President on all administrative policies of the University. The members of the Executive Committee shall also constitute an advisory committee of the faculty which the President may consult.
- The Executive Committee shall set the agenda for regular meetings of the Senate. The agenda shall be disseminated to members of the Senate no later than five (5) working days prior to the meeting, and shall provide the text, when available, of any motions that are to be proposed to the Senate.
- The Executive Committee shall review each policy and procedure proposed by a standing committee to determine whether the policy/procedure should go to the full Senate for approval prior to implementation. In the case when approval of the proposing committee is deemed sufficient, the policy or procedure will be forwarded to the full Senate as an information item. All approved policies and procedures will be included in the University Policy Library.
- The Executive Committee shall, in the manner prescribed in Article XI, Section 24B(1) of the Statutes of Georgia State University, elect and appoint members of the Hearing Committee.
- The Executive Committee, when consulted by a committee of the Senate, shall be responsible for the determination of confidentiality relating to meetings of all standing committees when sensitive information about particular individuals would be otherwise revealed. Prior to any decision about confidentiality of any committee’s meeting, including meetings of the Executive Committee itself, the Executive Committee shall consult with any individual(s) involved, so as to determine and take into account the preference of these individuals.
- Except when the Senate gives specific directions, the Executive Committee shall, when consideration is being given to referring any matter to a standing committee, determine the standing committee which shall have jurisdiction; provided, however, that nothing in this responsibility shall refute the President’s responsibility for interpretation of the Statutes and Bylaws or for determining ultimate jurisdiction when conflicts arise.
- In accordance with Article VI, Section 1, of the Statutes of Georgia State University, the Executive Committee shall act as consultant to the President and/or the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost in the President’s annual appointment of eleven (11) faculty or officers of administration to the University Senate.
- The Executive Committee shall receive and disseminate reports of all standing committees prior to meetings of the Senate. The Executive Committee may review the reports and, when deemed appropriate, make its own recommendations in addition to forwarding those of the committees to the full Senate.
- The Executive Committee shall appoint a Committee on Nominations which shall nominate candidates for standing committees of the Senate as provided for in these Bylaws.
- The Executive Committee may recommend to the President and to the University Senate for their consideration such special committees as it deems necessary.
- The Executive Committee may consider and recommend to the University Senate matters dealing with the general educational policy of the University, and any other matters which are within the powers of the University Senate as defined in Article VI, Section 2, of the Statutes of Georgia State University.
- Subject to Article XVI of the Statutes, the Executive Committee shall have responsibility for initiating and maintaining the system of overlapping terms, for verifying the number of representatives authorized for each department or equivalent unit, and for resolving questions related to the faculty election process.
- The committee shall elect a chair within ten (10) working days after the election of a new committee.
- University President M. Brian Blake
- Executive VP for Academic Affairs and Provost Nicolle Parsons-Pollard
- Elected Member (member of the Senate) Kimberly Bennekin-PER
- Elected Member (member of the Senate) Michelle Brattain (Chair)-A&S
- Elected Member (member of the Senate) Patrick Freer-ARTS
- Elected Member (member of the Senate) Shelby Frost-AYSPS
- Elected Member (member of the Senate) Erin Morrey-PER
- Elected Member (member of the Senate) Catherine Perkins-CEHD
- Elected Member (member of the Senate) Rose Sevcik-A&S
2020/05/28 Senate Executive Committee Minutes
1 file(s) 82.85 KB2020/02/03 Senate Executive Committee Minutes
1 file(s) 77.24 KB2019/10/11 Senate Executive Committee Minutes
1 file(s) 76.91 KB2019/04/04 Senate Executive Committee Minutes
1 file(s) 94.71 KB2019/02/04 Senate Executive Committee Minutes
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Questions and concerns relating to the University Senate, the Senate Bylaws, and/or the University Statutes can be sent to the University Senate and Staff Council Office, which provides administrative support.
Dionne Polite
In-Person Office:
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60 Luckie St NW
Suite 125
Atlanta, GA 30303
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