From the University Senate Bylaws, Article VII. Committees:
Section 5. Committee on Admissions and Standards.
- The Committee on Admissions and Standards shall be composed of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost; the Senior Vice President for Student Success; the Director of Admissions; the Assistant Dean for Graduate Enrollment Management and Student Services; the Registrar; the Director of Financial Aid; the Dean of the Honors College; the Dean of the Graduate School, and the Associate Vice President for University Advising; one student who is a member of the Senate; two staff senators; and at least twenty-three (23) faculty senators, as follows: six (6) members from the College of Arts and Sciences, five (5) members from Perimeter College, four (4) members from the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, and three (3) from the College of Education and Human Development; one (1) member each from the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions, the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, the School of Public Health, the College of the Arts, and the College of Law; with the remaining members selected at large.
- The committee shall review and recommend to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost and to the University Senate (1) changes in requirements and standards for admission to the university’s undergraduate degree programs, (2) changes in requirements and standards for undergraduate graduation, (3) changes in any university-wide requirements and standards for admission to or graduation from graduate degree programs, (4) changes in undergraduate academic regulations and any university-wide graduate academic regulations and any university-wide graduate academic regulations, (5) changes in the requirements concerning grades and the grading system, (6) petitions for deviations from the requirements and standards just listed, and (7) policies regarding enrollment management, and academic calendar.
- The committee shall elect a chair within ten (10) working days after the election of a new committee.
- Executive VP for Academic Affairs and Provost Nicolle Parsons-Pollard
- Senior VP for Student Success Allison Calhoun-Brown
- Director of Admissions Dillon Montes de Oca
- Assistant Dean for Graduate Enrollment Management & Student Success Amber Amari
- Registrar Tarrah Mirus
- Director of Financial Aid Joseph Steelman
- Dean of the Honors College Sarah Cook
- Dean of the Graduate School Lisa Armistead
- Associate VP for University Advising Carol Cohen
- Student (member of the Senate)
- Student (member of the Senate)
- Staff Senator Marco Vargas
- Staff Senator James Amann
At least 23 faculty members as follows:
- Arts and Sciences Michael Weeks
- Arts and Sciences Sean Richey
- Arts and Sciences Kathryn Grant
- Arts and Sciences Chantal Tusher
- Arts and Sciences John McMillian
- Arts and Sciences Michelle Brattain
- Arts and Sciences Xiaojun Cao
- Perimeter Stephanie Garofalo
- Perimeter Amanda Boone
- Perimeter Marc Zayac
- Perimeter Nancy Williams
- Perimeter Janna Blum
- Perimeter Stacey Mitchell
- Perimeter Timothy Brown
- Perimeter Valencia Freeman
- Business Gerald Gay
- Business Bruce Pilling
- Business Milind Shrikhande
- Business Stefanos Orfanos
- Education and Human Development Joe Magliano
- Education and Human Development Chantee Earl
- Education and Human Development Helen Wang
- Nursing and Health Professions Kenya Kirkendoll
- Policy Studies Glenwood Ross
- Public Health Colin Smith
- Arts Patrick Freer (Chair)
- Law Brandy Domengeaux
- Presidential Appointee: Christy Visaggi
Administrative Assistant to the committee:
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Enacted Committee Proposals
Listing of previous proposals approved by the Admissions and Standards Committee and enacted by the university. Proposals from Fall 2013 - 2018 are available upon request.
- Global and City Scholars Program Revisions (passed Spring 2018; pending final Senate review)
- Motion to Create Pre-Health Meta Major (passed Spring 2018)
- Motion to Consider Applicants with Three-Year Degrees into Graduate Programs (passed Fall 2017)
- Undergraduate Cross-Level Registration Policy (passed Spring 2017)
- Motion to Revise the Membership of EMC (passed Spring 2017)
- Motion to Revise Honors College Atlanta Admissions Cycle (passed Spring 2017)
- Motion to Change Admissions Requirements for Kinesiology and Health (passed Spring 2017)
- Motion on Clock Schedule (passed Spring 2017)
- GSU ROTC Priority Registration (passed Spring 2017)
- Computer Science Eligibility Requirement (passed Spring 2017)
- Motion on ROTC Holds (passed Fall 2016)
- Motion on TOEFL and GSTEP (passed Fall 2016)
- Motion to Create New Registration Hold Code for Graduate Applicants
- Required to Submit Official Transcripts (passed Fall 2016)
- Motion to Revise I Policy (passed Fall 2016)
- Motion to Revise W Policy (passed Fall 2016)
- Motion to Revise Repeat to Replace Policy (passed Fall 2015)
- Motion to Revise Policy on Limits on Withdrawals (passed Fall 2015)
- Motion on Transfer Credit for Transient Students (passed Spring 2015)
- Motion to Revise CTW requirement (passed Spring 2015)
- Military Withdrawal Policy (passed Fall 2014)
- Awarding of Military Credit (passed Fall 2014)
- Motion to Modify the Admissions Requirements of the Nursing Program (passed Spring 2014)
- Admission Test Scores for Non-Native speakers of English (passed Spring 2014)
- Special Talents Admissions (passed Spring 2014)
- Policy on Direct Instruction (passed Spring 2014)
- Motion on ARCHE Cross-Registration (passed Spring 2014)
- Change of Catalog Edition (passed Spring 2014)
- Exploratory Major Policy (passed Spring 2014)
- Academic Honesty Policy (passed Spring 2014)
- GSU Student Complaints and Petitions and Appeals Policy (passed Fall 2013)
- Amend the Upper Division Admission Requirements in Criminal Justice (passed Fall 2013)
- Change Eligibility Requirements for Psychology Majors (passed Fall 2013)
- Motion re City Scholars (passed Spring 2013)
- Motion re MOOCs (passed Spring 2013)
- Motion re Hardship/Emergency Withdrawals (passed Spring 2013)
- Motion re Transient Credit (passed Spring 2013)
- Motion re Global Fellows (passed Spring 2013)
- Motion re Journalism and Film GPAs (passed Spring 2013)
- Motion re Nursing GPA (passed Spring 2013)
- Motion re Exercise Science GPA (passed Spring 2013)
- Motion re Signature Experiences Program (passed Fall 2012)
- Motion re RCB Upper-Division Admission Requirements (passed Spring 2012)
- Motion to Petition the USG Chancellor Expressing Opposition to Policies Excluding Undocumented Students from Georgia Universities and Colleges (passed Spring 2012)
- Motion re Repeat to Replace of Quarter Courses (passed Spring 2012)
- Motion on Academic Honesty and GP Grades (passed Spring 2012)
- Motion on Credit for End of High School Examinations from Countries Other Than the United States (passed Spring 2012)
- Motion re Academic Dishonesty Discovered After Graduation (passed Spring 2012)
- Motion re the Learning Support Program (passed Spring 2012)
- Motion to Delay Implementation of New Transient Credit Policy (passed Spring 2012)
- Motion on Admissions Appeals (passed Fall 2011)
- Motion on the Good Standing Requirement for Admissions (passed Fall 2011)
- Motion re the Appointment of Members of the Committee for Students with Special Talents (passed Fall 2011)
- Motion on Transient Credit (passed Fall 2011)
- Motion on Triple Majors (passed Fall 2011)
- Motion on the Academic Calendar (passed Spring 2011) This file contains the complete updated academic calendar.
- Motion on Repeat to Replace (passed Spring 2011)
- Motion on Early College Policy (passed Spring 2011)
- Motion on Adds and Drops (passed Spring 2011)
- Motion on Dual Degrees (passed Spring 2011)
- Motion to Delay Some Core Requirements (passed Spring 2011)
- Motion on Admissions Appeals (passed Fall 2010)
- Motion on Transfer Credit while on Suspension (passed Fall 2010)
- Motion re Move On When Ready (passed Fall 2010)
- Motion re ARCHE Cross-Registration (passed Spring 2010)
- Motion re New BOR Core Curriculum Rules (passed Spring 2010)
- Motion to Revise the Policy on Class Attendance (passed Spring 2010)
- Motion re Transfer Credit and Academic Residency (passed Spring 2010)
- Motion re Academic Residency for Joint Degree, Dual Degree, and Exchange Programs (passed Spring 2010)
- Motion re GPA Requirements in Kinesiology and Health (passed Spring 2010)
- Motion to Review the Academic Calendar (passed Fall 2009)
- Motion re Minors (passed Fall 2009)
- Motion to Revise the Membership of the Enrollment Management Committee (passed Fall 2009)
- Motion Re Repeat to Replace Courses Policy (passed Fall 2009)
- Motion Re Temporary Transcript Annotation in Cases of Academic Dishonesty (passed Fall 2009)
- Motion to Revise CLEP Credit (passed Fall 2009)
- Motion Re Learning Support Program Policy (passed Fall 2009)
- Motion to Delete CBT TOEFL Scores from Admissions Requirements (passed Fall 2009)
- Motion to Revise the Military Withdrawal Policy (passed Fall 2009)
- Report and Motion Re the Grading System (passed Spring 2009)
- Motion to Revise the Pass/Fail Grading Option (passed Spring 2009)
- Motion to Add IELTS Score to Admission Requirements (passed Spring 2009)
- Motion to Revise the Petitions Process Regarding Financial Petitions (passed Spring 2009) Here is the complete updated University-Wide Student Policy and Procedures for Student Complaints, Petitions for Policy Waivers and Variances, and Appeals
- Motion Re Acceptance of Military Science 1000/2000 Credit (passed Spring 2009)
- Motion to Revise the Math Placement Rules (passed Spring 2009) Because Admissions and Standards has final action authority on placement testing, this motion is effective without approval by the full Senate.
- Motion to Revise the Petitions Process (passed Fall 2008)
- Motion to Revise the Admissions Discipline Questions (passed Fall 2008)
- Motion on A+ Grading (passed Fall 2008)
- Motion re Academic Calendar (passed Fall 2008)
- Motion re Exemptions to the Regents’ Tests (passed Fall 2008)
- Motion re New Regents’ Test Policy (passed Fall 2008)
- Motion on Posthumous Grades (passed Spring 2008)
- Motion to Revise the Credits Awarded for International Baccalaureate Exams (passed Spring 2008)
- Motion to Repeal the Pass-Fail Grading Option (passed Spring 2008)
- Motion on Regents’ Test Exemption Scores (passed Spring 2008)
- Motion to Revise the Credits Awarded for IB Exams (passed Fall 2007)
- Motion on Computer Science Upper-Division GPA Requirements (passed Fall 2007)
- Motion on Academic Recognitions (passed Fall 2007)
- Motion To Eliminate the Student-Initiated WFs (passed Fall 2007)
- Motion to Revise the Academic Calendar (passed Fall 2007)
- Motion on Exemption from Regents’ Writing Skills, RGTE 0199 (passed Spring 2007 by the Senate Executive Committee acting for the Senate)
- Motion to Add A University-Level Critical Thinking Through Writing Requirement (passed Spring 2007)
- Motion on Academic Recognitions (passed Spring 2007)
- Motion to Expand the Pass/Fail Grading Option (passed Spring 2007)
- Motion to Adopt a University-Wide Student Policy and Procedures for Student Complaints, Petitions for Policy Waivers and Variances, and Appeals (passed Spring 2007)
- Motion to Remove Commencement from the Academic Calendar (passed Spring 2007)
- Motion to Repeal Automatic WF Policy (passed Spring 2007)
- S-U Grading in Honors 1000 (passed Spring 2007)
- Placement Testing for Entry Level Chemistry 1211K Courses (passed Spring 2007) Following the Senate policy on placement testing (see below), this motion becomes University policy without action by the full Senate.
- Motion to Revise the Academic Calendar (passed Fall 2006)
- Motion on Hardship Withdrawals (passed Fall 2006)
- Motion on Exemptions to the Regents’s Test Requirement (passed Fall 2006)
- Motion Regarding GPA Required for Graduation (passed Fall 2006 by the Senate Executive Committee acting for the Senate)
- Motion on Declaration of Major (passed Spring 2006)
- Motion on COMPASS Retest Policy (passed Spring 2006)
- Motion on Double Majors and Dual Degrees (passed Spring 2006)
- Motion to Limit the Number of W (passed Spring 2006)
- Motion Regarding Distribution of Syllabi (passed Spring 2006)
- Motion on Admission of High Ability CPC Deficient Students (passed Spring 2006)
- Motion on RCB Dual Degrees (passed Spring 2006)
- Motion on Dual Degrees (passed Fall 2005)
- Motion to Modify the Academic Calendar (passed Fall 2005)
- Motion to Raise the GPA in Journalism and Film Courses (passed Spring 2005)
- Motion to Modify the General Admission Requirements (passed Spring 2005)
- Motion to Modify the Membership of the Admissions Appeals Committee (passed Spring 2005)
- Motion on Major Declaration (passed Spring 2005)
- Motion to Modify the Regents’s Writing Skills Requirement (passed Spring 2005)
- Motion to Require Dean’s Office Approval for Adds or Drops After the Midpoint (passed Fall 2004)
- Motion to Revise the Regents’s Test Policy (passed Fall 2004)
- Motion to Revise the Definition of Good Standing (passed Fall 2004)
- Motion to Revise the Incomplete Grade Policy (passed Fall 2004)
- Motion to Revise the Regents’ Test Rules for Nonnative Speakers of English (passed Fall 2004)
- Motion to Clarify the Rules Regarding Area D (Science) Transfer Credit (passed Spring 2004)
- Motion to Revise the Academic Calendar (passed Spring 2004)
- Motion to Revise the Add/Drop Policy (passed Spring 2004)
- Motion to Rename and Revise the Administrative Withdrawal Policy Renamed to “Non-Academic Withdrawal Policy.” (passed Spring 2004)
- Motion to Require the Writing Portion of the ACT (passed Fall 2003)
- Motion to Revise Rules on Application to Graduate (passed Fall 2003)
- Motion to Modify the Academic Orientation Requirement (passed Fall 2003)
- Motion to Revise the Academic Renewal Policy (passed Fall 2003)
- Motion to Update International Baccalaureate and Advanced Placement Credit (passed Spring 2003)
- Motion to Require Selected Morris Brown Transfer to Take GSU 1010 (passed Spring 2003)
- Motion on Administrative Adds and Drops (passed Spring 2003)
- Motion to Revise Reentry Polices (passed Spring 2003)
- Motion on Withdrawals and Drops from Off-Campus Courses and Canceled Courses (passed Spring 2003)
- Motion to Change the Removal of Incomplete Policy (passed Spring 2003)
- Motion to Change the Scholastic Discipline Rules (passed Spring 2003)
- Motion to Change to Commencement Dates (passed Fall 2002)
- Motion to Revise the Hardship Withdrawal Policy (passed Fall 2002)
- Motion to Remove the 10-week Summer Session (passed Fall 2002)
- Motion on Taking a Course More Than Twice (passed Fall 2002)
- Motion to Revise the CLEP Foreign Language Cut Scores (passed Fall 2002)
- Academic Calendar (passed Spring 2002)
- Motion to Revise the Academic Renewal Rules (passed Spring 2002)
- Regent’s Test Policy (passed Spring 2002)
- Revisions to Faculty Handbook Regarding New Technologies (passed Spring 2002)
- Special Procedures for International Students, Students with Non-U.S. Academic Credentials and Students Who Are Non-native Speakers of English (passed Spring 2002)
- Minimum GPA Requirements in CSc, Journalism and Film (passed Spring 2002)
- Motion to Revise Re-entry Policies (passed Fall 2001)
- Motion to Streamline the Appeals and Petitions Process (passed Fall 2001)
- Motion Regarding Additional Academic Units Required for Admission (passed Fall 2001)
- Motion to Revise Admissions Requirements for Home-Schooled Students (passed Fall 2001)
- Revisions to the 2002 / 2003 Academic Calendar (Including Summer 2002) (passed Fall 2001)
- Temporary Policy Regarding Readmission of Students who were Previously in the Learning Support Program (passed Fall 2001)
- Motion to Require Advisement When Students Receive Many Ws (passed Fall 2001)
- Motion on Transfer of Credit for Degrees Previously Awarded (passed Fall 2001)
- Motion on Declaring Majors (passed Fall 2001)
- Motion on Clustered Final Examinations (passed Fall 2001)
- Revised BBA Curriculum and College Residency Requirements (passed Fall 2001)
- New CLEP Scores (passed Fall 2001)
- Motion on Taking Multiple Sections of the Same Course in One Semester (passed Fall 2001)
- Suspension of the Policy of Conditional Admission of Non-Native Speakers of English (passed Fall 2001)
- Proposed 2002-2003 Academic Calendar (passed Spring 2001)
- Motion on Automatic WFs (passed Spring 2001)
- Motion to Establish a Special Non-Degree Status for Undergraduate Admission (passed Spring 2001)
- Motion to Revise the Scholastic Discipline Rules (passed Spring 2001)
- Motion on Post-Graduation Exceptions (passed Spring 2001)
- Motion to Revise Procedures for Certifying Competence in English (passed Spring 2001)
- Motion Regarding the Admission of Non-Traditional Transfer Students (passed Spring 2001)
- Policy on University-Level Scholarships (passed Spring 2001)
- Motion to Create a Banner Conversion Task Force (passed Fall 2000)
- Motion to Revise the Scholastic Discipline Rules and the Academic Improvement Program (passed Fall 2000)
- Motion on Transient/ARCHE Requirements (passed Fall 2000)
- Motion to Alter the Method of Computing Transfer GPAs (passed Fall 2000)
- Motion to Modify the Admission Requirements (passed Fall 2000)
- Motion to Modify the Academic Unit Admission Requirements for 2001 (passed Fall 2000)
- Revision of Hardship Withdrawal Policy (passed Fall 2000)
- Motion to Revise the Admission Requirements for the Early Attendance Programs (passed Fall 2000)
- Motion on the Elimination of Non-Matriculated Auditors (passed Spring 2000)
- Motion on Conditional Admission of Non-Native Speakers of English (passed Spring 2000)
- Motion to Revise the Membership of the Enrollment Management Committee (passed Spring 2000)
- Motion to Change the Academic Honesty Policy (passed Spring 2000)
- Motion to Revise the In Progress (IP) Grade Notation (passed Spring 2000)
- Motion Regarding Academic Renewal for Transition Students (passed Spring 2000)
- Motion to Require Academic Orientation (passed Spring 2000)
- Motion to Establish the Procedure for Placement Testing (passed Spring 2000)
- Motion Regarding AIP and Academic Renewal (passed Spring 2000)
- Motion on Revision of Special Talents Committee (passed Spring 2000)
- Motion to Increase TOEFL Scores Required for Admission (passed Spring 2000)
- Motion to Modify the Admission Requirements for Nontraditional Students (passed Fall 1999)
- Motion to Revise Scholastic Discipline Rules and Create an Academic Improvement Program (passed Spring 1999)
- New Scholastic Discipline Chart (passed Spring 1999)
- Motion on Posthumous Undergraduate Degrees (passed Spring 1999)
- Faculty Scholarship Plaque for Transition Students Policy on giving the Faculty Scholarship Plaque to transition students. (passed Fall 1997)
- Mini-mester Finals on Semester System Policy on giving finals in mini-mester semester courses that end in the middle of the semester. (passed Fall 1997)
- Revised LSP and Regular Admission Criteria (passed Fall 1998)
- Modify Transfer Admission Process (passed Fall 1998)
- Non-Native Speakers of English Codifies and clarifies the polices concerning the admission and placement of non-native speakers. (passed Fall 1998)
- Plus/Minus Grading A proposal to modify the grading system to include pluses and minuses. (passed Spring 1998)
- 1999-00 Calendar (passed Spring 1998)
- Transition Requirements Taskforce A motion to create taskforce to make GSU policy concerning the graduation requirements of transition students. (passed Spring 1998)
- Report of the 2001 Subcommittee Proposed policy changes for meeting the higher admission requirements mandated by the Regents in 2001. (passed Winter 1998)
- Upper-Division Admissions Proposal to form a subcommittee of Admissions and Standards to review requests for changes in upper-division admission requirements. (passed Winter 1998)
- Modification to the Rules Governing Honors at Graduation Two motions. One would repeal the residence requirement for honors at graduation. The other would change the way GPAs are rounded in the calculation of honors at graduation. (passed Winter 1998)
- Policy on Semester Transfer Shortages Three motions concerning the awarding of transfer credit to students who transfer to GSU after semester conversion with quarter-hour credits from other USG institutions. (passed Winter 1998)
- Additional Motion on Semester Transfers A fourth motion concerning the awarding of transfer credit to students who transfer to GSU after semester conversion with quarter-hour credits from other USG institutions. (passed Winter 1998)
- Motion on Admission Appeals A policy on the hearing of the appeals of those denied admission to GSU. (passed Winter 1998)
Contact Us
Questions and concerns relating to the University Senate, the Senate Bylaws, and/or the University Statutes can be sent to the University Senate and Staff Council Office, which provides administrative support.
Dionne Polite
In-Person Office:
Aderhold Learning Center
60 Luckie St NW
Suite 125
Atlanta, GA 30303
Mailing Address
Box 3966
Atlanta, GA 30302-3966