Academic Programs Guide
University Senate Committees
University Senate Minutes
Senate Bylaws
Section 1. The University Senate of Georgia State University, having been created by direction of the University faculty to act by and for that body, is endowed with all the legislative powers and authority of the University faculty except for those powers specifically reserved by that body to itself provided that the University faculty may amend or repeal any general policy decisions adopted by the University Senate.
The University Senate of Georgia State University, having been created by direction of the University faculty to act by and for that body, is endowed with all the legislative powers and authority of the University faculty except for those powers specifically reserved by that body to itself provided that the University faculty may amend or repeal any general policy decisions adopted by the University Senate.
Section 2. The University Senate shall exercise legislative functions dealing with the general educational policy of the University and perform all of the functions set forth in Article VI, Section 2, of the Statutes of Georgia State University.
Section 3. These Bylaws and all amendments shall constitute the rules and regulations governing the conduct and procedure of the Senate of Georgia State University in the performance of those duties authorized and empowered by the Statutes of the University and Policies of the Board of Regents, University System of Georgia.
Section 1. The University Senate shall be composed of those members as set forth in Article VI, Section 1, of the Statutes of Georgia State University.
Section 2.Vacancies which occur during a term of service shall be filled for the remainder of that term in one of the following ways.
- Elected Faculty Members
- When the need arises to replace a Senate member who was elected by one of the various departments or units in accordance with Article VI, Section 1, of the Statutes of Georgia State University, the original electing unit shall, at the earliest possible time, and in the same manner as the original election, elect a replacement to serve the remaining term of the individual being replaced.
- The chair or other official of the department or unit shall, within five days of such election, advise the chair of the Senate Executive Committee and the Secretary of the Senate.
- Appointed Members
- When the need arises to replace a Senate member who was appointed under the provisions of Article VI, Section 1, of the Statutes of Georgia State University, the appropriate appointing official shall, at the earliest possible time, appoint a replacement to serve the remaining term of the individual being replaced.
- The appointing official shall, within five days of such appointment, advise the chair of the Senate Executive Committee and the Secretary of the Senate.
- Student Members
- Any student vacancy occurring during an elected term of office shall be filled by the Student Government Association, with the concurrence of the academic dean of the college concerned.
- The President of the Student Government Association shall, within five days of such election, advise the chair of the Senate Executive Committee and the Secretary of the Senate.
- Staff Members
- Any staff senator vacancy occurring during an elected term of office shall be filled by a vote of the Staff Council.
- The President of the Staff Council shall, within five days of such election, advise the chair of the Senate Executive and the Secretary of the Senate.
Section 3. A replacement who has been elected or appointed to fill a vacancy occurring during a term of service shall immediately assume all duties and committee assignments, but not elected office, of the individual being replaced. Membership on the Senate Executive Committee and the Hearing Committee shall be considered as elective offices, and vacancies on these committees shall be filled in the same manner as the original election.
Section 4. Alternates shall not be considered as members of the University Senate and, if in attendance at any meeting of the Senate or its committees, shall be regarded as observers and shall have no vote.
The University Senate shall have as its chair and presiding officer, the President of the University. The Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost shall serve as vice chair. The chair shall appoint a secretary and a parliamentarian during the spring semester, and may appoint other officers to perform specific assignments deemed necessary by the membership.
The University Senate shall hold four regularly-appointed meetings during each academic year, with the chair of the Senate Executive Committee having the option of canceling a maximum of one of these four meetings should s/he determine that there is insufficient business for the meeting. In the event that physical assembly of any regular-appointed or special University Senate meeting is rendered impossible or impractical due to extraordinary events (i.e. fire, flood, pandemic), such meetings may be administered so that members are electronically present via a GSU-approved videoconferencing application that allows members to be identified by an official GSU campus ID, and all motions, resolutions, or actions may be taken by electronic vote. In the first three academic years following the consolidation of Georgia State University and Georgia Perimeter College, one Senate meeting per year will be held at a campus that was part of Georgia Perimeter College. A majority of the membership physically or electronically present shall constitute a quorum. The agenda, with the text of proposed motions, shall be distributed five (5) working days prior to the meeting, except in the case of a special meeting. Special meetings may be called by the chair of the Senate, or the chair of the Senate Executive Committee. In addition, upon petition of twenty (20) percent of the membership of the University Senate, a meeting must be called. At least 48 hours notice shall be given for any special Senate meeting. Only business mentioned in the call of a special meeting can be transacted at such a meeting. Meetings of the University Senate and its committees, except the Executive Committee at its own discretion, shall be open to the university community, provided that only members have the privilege of voting and non-members shall have the privilege of the floor only when specifically provided for by the University Senate or its committees. The minutes of the University Senate and its committees, including the Executive Committee, shall be open to inspection by the university community. Exceptions shall be made in cases where confidential information about particular individuals would be otherwise revealed. The responsibility for the determination of confidentiality shall rest with the Executive Committee, who shall secure the consent of the individual affected before making such information available in the minutes. All meetings of the University Senate and its committees shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the University Statutes and the Senate Bylaws, and for matters not covered in such Statutes and Bylaws then in accordance with the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order. Actions by a senate committee or subcommittee may be taken by electronic voting. Motions should be sent to the official university email address of record of each committee member, and the committee chair must afford the committee members a reasonable amount of time, and no less than two business days, to respond to a request to vote by email. At least a majority of the entire committee membership must participate before an electronic vote can be considered valid. At least a majority of those responding must vote affirmatively for a motion to pass. Non-responses will not count as either affirmative or negative votes or as abstentions. If a committee member objects to using electronic voting for a particular motion at the time of the vote, voting on the motion must be delayed to an official meeting of the committee. The results of an electronic vote must be reported at the minutes of the next meeting.
The organization of the Senate and of its committees shall conform to the provisions of Article VI, Section 4, of the Statutes of Georgia State University. For purposes of election to standing committees, including the Executive Committee, student members shall be considered as a unit representing the student body and staff senators shall be considered as a unit representing staff, without regard to academic affiliation.
Section 1. The regular operations of the Senate shall follow a committee review procedure. Unless the Senate by a two-thirds majority vote acts to suspend committee review of a specific matter and act as a committee of the whole, all matters of substance shall be submitted for committee study, recommendations, and/or action prior to definitive action by the Senate. Standing committee business may be initiated by each committee, the chair of the University Senate, an individual member of the University Senate, or by a vote of the general faculty.
Section 2. Until such time as the Senate amends this pattern, the committees listed in Article VII of these Bylaws shall constitute the standing committees of the Senate. These committees, through their duly elected chair, shall, at all regular meetings of the University Senate, make a brief verbal report of business transacted. The text of any motions or resolutions that are to be proposed by committees at a Senate meeting shall be provided to the Executive Committee ten (10) working days before the meeting, and shall be forwarded to Senate members by the Executive Committee five (5) working days prior to the meeting. In addition, each committee shall present a comprehensive, written, annual report or comprehensive committee minutes to the Executive Committee in the spring semester. This comprehensive report, which shall be submitted to the Executive Committee by the end of the second full week of classes, shall include a summary of the major items considered by the committee during the full year and the disposition of each.
Section 3. All standing committees, except the Committee on Nominations, the Fiscal Advisory Committee to the President, and the Hearing Committee hereinafter provided for, shall be elected by the University Senate at the last Senate meeting of the academic year. All members of standing committees shall serve for a one-year term, or until their successors assume office, and shall be eligible re-election. Within ten (10) working days after the election of a new committee, the chair of the outgoing committee shall call a meeting of the new committee and transfer current committee records to it. Records older than twelve (12) months and not needed by the new committee shall be handled in accordance with the policies of the Board of Regents. The new committee shall elect a chair and a secretary and shall report these names to the Secretary of the Senate.
Section 4. All elected members of the University Senate shall have at least one Senate committee assignment. In order to accommodate the requirements of the Statutes and Bylaws, the Committee on Nominations shall recommend to the Senate that the membership of various committees be increased or decreased. Faculty members, staff, and students who are not members of the Senate may be nominated to Senate committees when the Nominations Committee deems that a special case exists. Committee members who are not members of the Senate shall be afforded all rights of committee membership, including voting, but shall have none of these rights in the Senate.
Section 5. Vacancies on committees which occur between regular elections, other than those resulting from a vacancy in the Senate term of service and those which occur on the Senate Executive Committee or the Hearing Committee, shall be filled by the Committee on Nominations. Such vacancies shall be reported immediately to the Nominations Committee by the chair of the committee on which the vacancy occurs. Selection of individuals to fill such vacancies shall be made by the Committee on Nominations at the earliest possible time, in the manner indicated in the duties of that committee. The Committee on Nominations shall, within five days of such selection, report the name of the replacement to the chair of the Senate Executive Committee and to the Secretary of the Senate. The replacement shall immediately assume the committee assignment, but not elective office, of the individual being replaced.
Section 6. Each committee shall determine its own rules and procedures within the limits of its functions as described herein. Each committee shall decide on its meeting dates, but shall meet at least once a semester. A majority of committee members shall constitute a quorum. Prior public notice of all committee meetings shall be provided whenever practicable.
Section 7. All committees shall keep minutes of all meetings, including a list of members present and members absent. The minutes of the committee meetings shall be deposited annually in the University Library. The minutes of standing committees shall be in addition to reports as required by Article VI, Section 2, of these Bylaws. The minutes of all standing committees shall be open to inspection by the faculty, except for the Student Discipline Committee and except as specified in Article VI, Section 3, of the Statutes of Georgia State University.
Section 1. Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost (who shall serve as Vice-Chair), and seven (7) elected members who are also elected members of the University Senate. The seven members shall be elected by secret ballot by the University Senate annually during the last Senate meeting of the academic year. No one of the several colleges, the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions, the School of Public Health, or the University Library shall have more than two (2) representatives on the Executive Committee. In the first three academic years following the consolidation of Georgia State University and Georgia Perimeter College, at least one senator from Perimeter College will be a member of the Executive Committee of the University Senate. In those three years, if no Perimeter College senator is among the top seven (7) vote getters, then the Perimeter College senator with the most votes will replace the senator who receives the seventh most votes.
- The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice per semester during the academic year. Additional meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the presiding officer, or upon written request of a majority of the committee membership. Adequate notice shall be given for any meeting, and a majority of the committee membership shall constitute a quorum.The minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee, at the discretion of the committee, shall be open to inspection by the faculty.
- The duties of the committee shall include the following:
- The Executive Committee shall serve as members of the Administrative Council, an advisory body to the President on all administrative policies of the University. The members of the Executive Committee shall also constitute an advisory committee of the faculty which the President may consult.
- The Executive Committee shall set the agenda for regular meetings of the Senate. The agenda shall be disseminated to members of the Senate no later than five (5) working days prior to the meeting, and shall provide the text, when available, of any motions that are to be proposed to the Senate.
- The Executive Committee shall review each policy and procedure proposed by a standing committee to determine whether the policy/procedure should go to the full Senate for approval prior to implementation. In the case when approval of the proposing committee is deemed sufficient, the policy or procedure will be forwarded to the full Senate as an information item. All approved policies and procedures will be included in the University Policy Library.
- The Executive Committee shall, in the manner prescribed in Article XI, Section 24B(1) of the Statutes of Georgia State University, elect and appoint members of the Hearing Committee.
- The Executive Committee, when consulted by a committee of the Senate, shall be responsible for the determination of confidentiality relating to meetings of all standing committees when sensitive information about particular individuals would be otherwise revealed. Prior to any decision about confidentiality of any committee's meeting, including meetings of the Executive Committee itself, the Executive Committee shall consult with any individual(s) involved, so as to determine and take into account the preference of these individuals.
- Except when the Senate gives specific directions, the Executive Committee shall, when consideration is being given to referring any matter to a standing committee, determine the standing committee which shall have jurisdiction; provided, however, that nothing in this responsibility shall refute the President's responsibility for interpretation of the Statutes and Bylaws or for determining ultimate jurisdiction when conflicts arise.
- In accordance with Article VI, Section 1, of the Statutes of Georgia State University, the Executive Committee shall act as consultant to the President and/or the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost in the President's annual appointment of eleven (11) faculty or officers of administration to the University Senate.
- The Executive Committee shall receive and disseminate reports of all standing committees prior to meetings of the Senate. The Executive Committee may review the reports and, when deemed appropriate, make its own recommendations in addition to forwarding those of the committees to the full Senate.
- The Executive Committee shall appoint a Committee on Nominations which shall nominate candidates for standing committees of the Senate as provided for in these Bylaws.
- The Executive Committee may recommend to the President and to the University Senate for their consideration such special committees as it deems necessary.
- The Executive Committee may consider and recommend to the University Senate matters dealing with the general educational policy of the University, and any other matters which are within the powers of the University Senate as defined in Article VI, Section 2, of the Statutes of Georgia State University.
- Subject to Article XVI of the Statutes, the Executive Committee shall have responsibility for initiating and maintaining the system of overlapping terms, for verifying the number of representatives authorized for each department or equivalent unit, and for resolving questions related to the faculty election process.
- The committee shall elect a chair within ten (10) working days after the election of a new committee.
- The composition and election of the Hearing Committee, and procedures in cases of dismissal for cause, shall be as described in Article XI, Section 24, of the Statutes of Georgia State University.
- Complaints by a faculty member or members, other than proceedings for removal or non-renewal, shall be subject to the Bylaws or official instructions of the college, school, or other administrative unit to which the complainant is assigned. Appeal from the dean or other administrative official shall be in accordance with the policies and regulations of Georgia State University, and shall consist of a review through the appropriate vice-president channels of the decision and record of the original hearing. The Hearing Committee may be called upon to review the appeal by the appropriate vice-president and hearing procedures shall be as described in Article XI, Section 24, of the Statutes of Georgia State University.
- When the President considers the appeal of a faculty member upon a complaint, the President may call upon an appropriate committee of faculty members to assist in reviewing the record and to advise the President as a preliminary to reaching a decision. The functions of such committee shall be advisory in nature and shall not be binding to the President.
Section 3. Committee on University Statutes and Senate Bylaws
- The Committee on University Statutes and Senate Bylaws shall be composed of a representative from Legal Affairs, one student who is a member of the Senate; one staff senator; and at least ten (10) faculty senators preferably one from each of the following: the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of the Arts, Perimeter College, the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, the College of Education and Human Development, the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions, the School of Public Health, the College of Law and the University Library, with any additional members selected at large.
- The duties of the committee shall be:
- To review periodically, the University Statutes and Senate Bylaws of the University and to recommend to the Senate such amendments as it deems necessary or appropriate; and
- To receive from university councils, committees, administrative officers, and faculty members, any proposals for amendments to the University Statutes and Senate Bylaws, to consider such proposals and to make appropriate recommendations on each proposal as specified in Article XV of the University Statutes and Article IX of the Senate Bylaws of Georgia State University.
- To revise the Senate Bylaws to update college/school/unit names and administrative titles so they are in concurrence with current practice.
- At the discretion of the President, the members of the committee may serve as an advisory committee on questions of interpretation of the University Statutes and Senate Bylaws.
- The committee shall elect a chair within ten (10) working days after the election of a new committee.
- The Library Committee shall be composed of the Dean of Libraries, the Senior Vice President for Student Success; two students who are members of the Senate; one staff senator; and at least eight (8) faculty senators, preferably one from each of the following: the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of the Arts, Perimeter College, the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, the College of Education and Human Development, the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions, the School of Public Health, the College of Law and the University Library, with any additional members selected at large.
- The committee shall be advisory to the Dean of Libraries, shall make recommendations to the University Senate, and shall serve as liaison between the members of the faculty and the library.
- The duties of the committee shall be:
- To review annually the status of the Library as it affects the programs and curricula of the University, and as it relates to the standards of the various accrediting agencies; and to make such recommendations for improvement as may seem necessary;
- To advise the Dean of Libraries on policy and operational matters which may be brought to the committee by the Dean of Libraries or referred to the committee by the University Senate;
- To review with the Dean of Libraries matters of long-range library planning, and to make recommendations where appropriate;
- To receive from the faculty or from any college or unit recommendations or suggestions which may aid in the development, promote efficient service, or encourage increased use of the Library.
- The committee shall elect a chair within ten (10) working days after the election of a new committee.
Section 5. Committee on Admissions and Standards.
- The Committee on Admissions and Standards shall be composed of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost; the Senior Vice President for Student Success; the Director of Admissions; the Assistant Dean for Graduate Enrollment Management and Student Services; the Registrar; the Director of Financial Aid; the Dean of the Honors College; the Dean of the Graduate School; and the Associate Vice President for University Advising; one student who is a member of the Senate; two staff senators; and at least twenty-three (23) faculty senators, as follows: six (6) members from the College of Arts and Sciences, five (5) members from Perimeter College, four (4) members from the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, and three (3) from the College of Education and Human Development; one (1) member each from the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions, the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, the School of Public Health, the College of the Arts, and the College of Law; with the remaining members selected at large.
- The committee shall review and recommend to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost and to the University Senate (1) changes in requirements and standards for admission to the university's undergraduate degree programs, (2) changes in requirements and standards for undergraduate graduation, (3) changes in any university-wide requirements and standards for admission to or graduation from graduate degree programs, (4) changes in undergraduate academic regulations and any university-wide graduate academic regulations, (5) changes in requirements concerning grades and the grading system, (6) petitions for deviations from the requirements and standards just listed, and (7) policies regarding enrollment management, and academic calendar.
- The committee shall elect a chair within ten (10) working days after the election of a new committee.
Section 6. Committee on Academic Programs
- The Committee on Academic Programs shall be composed of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost; Senior Vice President for Student Success; the academic deans of the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, the College of the Arts, Perimeter College, the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, the College of Education and Human Development, the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions, the College of Law, the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, the School of Public Health, the Graduate School, and the Honors College; one student who is a member of the Senate; two staff senators; and at least twenty-seven (27) faculty senators, as follows: four (4) members each from the College of Arts and Sciences, Perimeter College, the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, and the College of Education and Human Development; two (2) members from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies; one (1) each from the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions, the College of the Arts, the College of Law; and the School of Public Health; with the remaining members selected at large.
- The duties of the committee shall include the following:
- developing long-range plans for the academic affairs of the University;
- reviewing and recommending of university policies concerning curricula, new and existing programs, the deactivation and termination of academic programs, and the core curriculum;
- assessing academic programs and general education;
- approving courses having a university-wide designation;
- advising the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost on graduate and undergraduate matters, including the promotion, development, and coordination of graduate and undergraduate education.
- The committee shall elect a chair within ten (10) working days after the election of a new committee.
Section 7. Committee on Research
- The Committee on Research shall be composed of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost; the Vice President for Research and Economic Development; the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer; one student who is a member of the Senate; one staff senator; and at least twenty-six (26) faculty senators as follows: six (6) members from the College of Arts and Sciences, three (3) members each from the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, and the College of Education and Human Development; one (1) member each from Perimeter College, the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions, the College of the Arts, the College of Law; the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies; and the School of Public Health; with the remaining members selected at large.
- The duties of this committee shall be to review, revise, and propose research policies, programs, and services.
- The committee shall elect a chair within ten (10) working days after the election of a new committee.
Section 8. Committee on Planning and Development
- The Committee on Planning and Development shall be composed of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost; the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer; the Senior Vice President for Strategic Initiatives; the Vice President for Research and Economic Development; the Associate Provost for Online Strategies; the Senior Associate Provost for Academic Affairs; the Vice President for Facilities, three students who are members of the Senate; at least two staff senators; and at least twenty-eight (28) faculty senators with at least one senator from each of the following: the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions, the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Education and Human Development, the College of the Arts, the College of Law, Perimeter College, the School of Public Health, the J. Mack Robinson College of Business and the University Library with the remaining members selected at large. The following shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members: the Vice President for Student Engagement & Programs, the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, the Vice President for University Advancement, the Vice President for Technology and Instructional Innovation, and the Dean of Libraries.
- The purpose of this committee shall be to advise and make recommendations to the President and University Senate. The committee shall be responsible for the development of long-range projections, taking into account the role and scope of the University, its financial resources, budget-making process, and its relation with, and service to, the public. Included in the responsibilities of the committee shall be the recommendation of the University Strategic Plan; review of the implementation of the University Strategic Plan; consideration of long-range planning for academic programs as developed by the Committee on Admissions and Standards, the Committee on Academic Programs, and the Committee on Research; the acquisition of facilities, the maintenance of physical facilities and grounds, the allocation of space, development, alumni affairs, and institutional studies; and to oversee the Administrative and Support Unit Review process.
- The committee shall elect a chair within ten (10) working days after the election of a new committee.
Section 9. Committee on Student Life.
- The Committee on Student Life shall be composed of the Vice President for Student Engagement and Programs, the Associate Vice President for Student Engagement and Dean of Students, the Director of Student Life, a Student Life staff member from the Atlanta Campus, a Student Life member from Perimeter College, the Director of International Student and Scholar Services or designee; one representative from Legal Affairs (non-voting); the Student Government Association (SGA) Advisor (non-voting); six (6) student members of the University Senate; six (6) SGA Senators selected by SGA president; one staff senator; two (2) student members who are not members of the University Senate (appointed by the Associate VP for Student Engagement and Programs) and at least thirteen (13) faculty senators as follows: two (2) members each from the College of Arts and Sciences, Perimeter College, the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, and the College of Education and Human Development; one (1) each from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions, the College of the Arts, the College of Law, and the School of Public Health.
- The purpose of this committee shall be to advise and make recommendations to the Associate Vice President for Student Engagement and Dean of Students and to the University Senate concerning matters relating to student organizations and the following student programs and services: student activities, student conduct, recreation, housing, media, orientation and leadership, student facilities, volunteerism, disability services, multicultural center, health services, career services, and honors and awards.
- The duties of the committee shall include:
- to approve charters of student organizations;
- to review and approve policies related to student organizations and leadership;
- to elect a non-student member of the committee to serve on the Student Activity Fee Committee.
- The committee shall elect a chair within ten (10) working days after election of a new committee.
Section 10. Committee on Student Discipline
- The Committee on Student Discipline shall be composed of at least ten (10) faculty senators selected at large, one (1) student who is a member of the University Senate, and three (3) additional students selected from the Student Judicial Board.
- The committee shall meet at the call of the Associate Vice President for Student Engagement & Programs and Dean of Students. The duties of the committee shall include acting on matters of student discipline brought before it, including charges of cheating, theft, and other matters which concern student misconduct and which are within the jurisdiction of the Dean of Students. Proceedings of the committee shall be in accordance with the general catalog and the student conduct code of the University.
- The findings and recommendations of the committee shall be forwarded to the Dean of Students for such action as may be deemed appropriate.
- The committee shall elect a chair within ten (10) working days after the election of a new committee.
Section 11. Committee on Athletics
- The Committee on Athletics shall be composed of the Associate Vice President for Student Engagement and Dean of Students, the Faculty Athletic Representative, a representative from the Office of Legal Affairs, at least seven (7) faculty senators elected at large by the Senate, three (3) students who are members of the University Senate; and two (2) staff senators. The Director of Athletics shall serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member.
- The duties of the committee shall include the following:
- To promote an understanding of intercollegiate athletics among faculty, students, and staff.
- To advise the Senate in matters concerning the relationship between athletic and academic interests of the University (specifically providing comments related to the impact of proposed GSU or NCAA academic requirements on student athletes to the Senate Committee on Admissions and Standards).
- To recommend policies to the Director of Athletics relative to eligibility and participation of student athletes, including but not limited to matters of Title IX compliance.
- To review the overall calendars of athletic teams and make recommendations where appropriate to the Director of Athletics.
- To assist with the development of official reports to be submitted by the President as part of the NCAA certification process.
- To review with the Director of Athletics matters of long-range athletic program planning and make recommendations where appropriate.
- To advise the Director of Athletics on advisement, academic support, and counseling services available to student athletes.
- To review the Compliance program for the department, including the receipt and review of the Compliance Audit.
- To insure all relevant issues dealing with the athletic program at Georgia State University falling within this committee's area of responsibility are considered.
- To provide oversight and guidance regarding the Department of Athletics Student-Athlete Drug Testing Policy and Program.
- The committee shall elect a chair within ten (10) working days after the election of a new committee.
Section 12. Committee on Faculty Affairs
- The Committee on Faculty Affairs shall be composed of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost; the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs; the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer; one staff senator; and at least fourteen (14) faculty senators as follows: two (2) members each from College of Arts and Sciences, Perimeter College; the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, and from the College of Education and Human Development; one (1) member each from the College of Law; the College of the Arts, the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions, the School of Public Health, and the University Library; with any additional members selected at large. The following will serve as non-voting members: the Senior Director of Equity and Compliance, the Associate Vice President for Human Resources, the University Ombudsperson, the Senior Director of Campus Services, and the representative of the Emeriti Association.
- The duties of this committee shall be to review and recommend to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost and to the University Senate policies which relate to faculty members and their welfare, including recruitment; faculty development; faculty research; academic freedom; promotion and tenure; leaves; compensation programs; health, life insurance programs, and other fringe benefits; and retirement.
- The committee shall elect a chair within ten (10) working days after the election of a new committee.
Section 13. Committee on Nominations
- The Committee on Nominations shall be appointed by the Executive Committee immediately after the election of the new Senate. The Committee on Nominations shall be composed of at least ten (10) faculty senators, preferably one (1) from each of the following: the College of Arts and Sciences, Perimeter College, the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, the College of Education and Human Development, the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions, the College of Law, the College of the Arts, the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, the School of Public Health, and the University Library. Additional members may be selected at large.
- The duties of the Committee on Nominations shall include the following:
- Committee on Nominations shall select candidates for all standing committees of the Senate, except the Executive Committee, the Fiscal Advisory Committee to the President, and the Hearing Committee. The committee will consider faculty preferences and past activities in making nominations to Senate committees. Staff senators will be nominated to committees according to the recommendations of the Staff Council chair. Students will be nominated to committees according to the recommendations of the SGA President. In like manner, the committee shall fill vacancies on standing committees as specified in Article VI, Section 5, of these Bylaws.
- In all such nominations, representation shall be in accordance with Article VI, Section 4 of the University Statutes, and Article VI and Article VII, of these Bylaws.
- In order to comply with Article VI, Section 4 of the University Statutes, the Nominations Committee will report on the ratio of senators to non-senators, and on the proportion of committee membership that is non-elected senators who serve by virtue of office or are presidential appointees for all standing committees of the Senate. Such a report will be submitted when the initial committee recommendations are made and any time that changes are proposed to committee membership.
- The committee shall elect a chair within ten (10) working days after the election of a new committee.
Section 14. Committee on Commencement
- The Committee on Commencement shall be composed of the President; the Registrar; the Vice President for Student Engagement & Programs; at least seven (7) faculty senators, one (1) staff senator; and two (2) students who are also members of the University Senate. The representative of the Emeriti Association will attend as a non-voting member.
- The duties of the committee shall include the following:
- To develop a pool of speakers for commencement exercises,
- To review and make recommendations concerning commencement exercises and related activities, and
- To review and make recommendations concerning honorary degree candidates to the President. The President submits the candidates' names to the Board of Regents for final approval.
- Recommendations concerning speakers for commencement exercises may be made to the committee by members of the university faculty. Recommendations concerning honorary degree candidates may be made by any faculty member, staff member, student or alumnus.
- The committee shall elect a new chair within ten (10) working days after the election of a new committee.
Section 15. Committee on the Budget
- The Committee on the Budget shall be composed of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost; the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer; the Vice President for Research and Economic Development; the Senior Vice President for Student Success; the Senior Vice President for Strategic Initiatives; the Vice President for Government and Community Affairs, two (2) staff senators, the vice Chair of the Staff Council, two (2) representatives from the Student Government Association; two deans selected by the Council of Deans; the Dean of Libraries, the two (2) senators elected to the Fiscal Advisory Committee to the President by a vote of the chairs of all Senate Committees, as per Article VII, Section 17, Part A and at least fifteen (15) faculty senators as follows: two (2) members each from the College of Arts and Sciences, Perimeter College, the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, and the College of Education and Human Development; one (1) member each from the College of Law; the College of the Arts, the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions, the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, the School of Public Health, and the University Library, with the remaining members selected at large. The Vice President for Financial Planning and Operations and the Vice President for Facilities will be ex-officio (non-voting) members of the committee.
- The Chair of the Committee shall be elected from among the faculty members of the committee.
- The purpose of this committee shall be to review the budget of the University and make recommendations to the appropriate university administrators regarding the budget allocation priorities.
Section 16. Committee on Cultural Diversity
- The Committee on Cultural Diversity shall be composed of the Vice President for Student Engagement and Programs, the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, the Associate Provost for International Initiatives, the Associate Vice President for Student Engagement and Dean of Students, the Senior Faculty Associate for Disabilities, a representative from the Office of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance, a representative from the Office of International Student and Scholar Services, two (2) student senators, two (2) staff senators, and at least twelve (12) faculty senators, preferably one each from the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of the Arts, Perimeter College, the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, the College of Education and Human Development, the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions, the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, the School of Public Health, the College of Law, and the University Library, with the remaining members selected at large. The Ombudsperson shall serve as a non-voting member.
- The purpose of this committee shall be to advise and make recommendations to the University Senate on any matters concerning cultural diversity. The duties of this committee shall include:
- advocating equal treatment for the groups identified under the University Discriminatory Harassment Policy, which include race, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, national origin, and religion, and recommending ways in which the campus climate might be made more supportive of diversity;
- reviewing the annual report by the Office of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance on faculty, student, and staff diversity, and providing an annual Cultural Diversity Report on campus progress and areas of concern to the Senate at the Spring meeting as well as to the Senate Executive Committee for referral to the appropriate standing committee(s);
- supporting the continued diversity of incoming students and their retention by assisting the appropriate bodies;
- assuring diversity in the recruitment and retention of staff at all levels;
- disseminating information to the colleges as needed to implement their guidelines for recruiting and retaining underrepresented faculty;
- advising the Senior Faculty Associate for Underrepresented Faculty on strategies for recruiting and retaining underrepresented faculty, and advising the Senior Faculty Associate for Women as needed;
- reviewing and recommending changes in the University Harassment Policy and its implementation; and
- participating in the development, review, and recommendation of changes in University policies supporting equal treatment for the groups identified above.
- The committee shall elect a chair within ten (10) working days after the establishment of a new committee.
Section 17. Fiscal Advisory Committee to the President
- The Fiscal Advisory Committee to the President shall be composed of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, one (1) additional vice president selected by the remaining vice presidents, two (2) deans selected by the Council of Deans, the Chair of the Senate Executive Committee, the Chair of the Senate Budget Committee, the Chair of the Senate Planning and Development Committee, two (2) additional elected senators elected by a vote of the chairs of all Senate committees, the chair of the Staff Council, and the President of the Student Government Association. Members’ terms will start the last week of spring semester.
- The Fiscal Advisory Committee to the President will provide the forum for developing university-wide recommendations on the university budget and recommendations regarding final budget allocations or changes in allocations. Recommendations from this committee to the President will be based on university strategic plan, state-level revenue projections, college and division budget recommendations, Senate Budget Committee recommendations, and input from various university constituencies.
- The chair of the committee (normally the Provost) will be appointed annually by the President.
Section 18. Committee on Instructional Innovation and Technology
- The Committee on Instructional Innovation and Technology shall be composed of the Vice President for Technology and Instructional Innovation, the Senior Vice President for Student Success, a representative from Enrollment Services, a representative from Finance and Administration, a representative of an academic IT unit appointed by the Chair of IIT, three (3) representatives from the Student Government Association, one (1) staff senator; and at least eleven (11) faculty senators, preferably one (1) from each of the following: the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of the Arts, Perimeter College, the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, the College of Education and Human Development, the College of Law, the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions, the School of Public Health, and the University Library. The remaining faculty members will be selected at large.
- The duties of this committee shall be to (1) develop long-range plans for the technology needs of the University; (2) advise the Vice President for Technology & Instructional Innovation on academic and administrative matters; (3) review annual programmatic plans for IIT; (4) review annual budgetary submissions by the Vice President for Technology & Instructional Innovation; (5) provide a liaison between its subcommittees and IIT; and (6) recommend to the Fiscal Advisory Committee to the President the distribution of Student Technology Fees, following all Board of Regents requirements for the use of technology fees.
- The committee shall elect a chair within ten (10) working days after the election of a new committee.
Section 19. Committee on Sustainability
- The Committee on Sustainability shall be composed of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, the Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, the Senior Director of Sustainability, the Assistant Athletic Director or designee, at least two (2) staff senators, two (2) students (senators or non-senators), and at least ten (10) faculty senators, preferably one (1) from each of the following: the College of Arts and Sciences, Perimeter College, the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, the College of Education and Human Development, the College of Law, the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions, the School of Public Health, and the University Library. In addition, the Vice President for Facilities and the Director of Recreational Services shall be non-voting members.
- The purpose of the committee shall be to advise and make recommendations to the University Senate and appropriate administrators regarding issues of sustainability. The duties of the committee shall be to provide a central focus for integration of academic programs, facility planning, and campus operating interests in sustainability. The committee shall recommend and support efforts to improve environmental stewardship and sustainability in facility planning and operations. The committee shall support sustainability as part of an ongoing education, research, operations, and outreach programs.
- The committee shall elect a chair within ten (10) working days after the election of a new committee.
Section 20. Special Committees
- If at any time the need for special committee(s) should arise, the University Senate may create such special committee(s) to study and make recommendations to the Senate on any matter which concerns the interest of the University, over which the University Senate has jurisdiction, but which does not come within the jurisdiction of any standing committee. The Senate shall elect or authorize the appointment of such special committee(s).
- Special committees shall be announced to the Senate and the purpose and composition of each committee shall be included in the minutes of the Senate for the meeting if the appointment is interim. When a special committee has completed its mission, an announcement of its termination shall be made at the next regular meeting of the Senate. No special committee shall continue in existence more than twelve (12) months unless its term is extended by a majority vote of the Senate.
- Nothing in this section shall refute the University President's power to appoint special or standing committees as specified in Article II, Section 1D, of the Statutes of Georgia State University.
These Bylaws shall be in full force and effect after adoption by a majority vote of the University Senate and approval by the President. In the event the President objects to any part of these Bylaws, the President's objections shall be processed in the same manner as that provided for in Article XV of the Statutes of Georgia State University. Disapproval of any portion of these Bylaws does not preclude implementation of the remainder, after adoption by the Senate and approval by the President.
The University Senate shall have the power to consider and adopt by a two-thirds majority vote any amendments to or modifications of these Bylaws, provided a quorum exists. Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed at any time by any member of the Senate. Proposals originating outside the University Senate committee on University Statutes and Senate Bylaws shall be submitted in writing to the chair of the University Senate who shall transmit them within one week to the committee on University Statutes and Senate Bylaws. After due deliberation, the committee shall report such proposed amendments to the Senate along with the recommendations of the committee. Proposed amendments and the committee's recommendations shall be reported to the Senate at its next regular meeting after the committee receives the proposals or no later than the second regular meeting if the committee receives the proposals ten (10) days or less in advance of the first regular meeting. Summary of Amendments 2/17/78 Proposed Bylaws approved. 2/16/79 Eliminated Friday as a regular meeting date. 2/7/80 VI, 3:standing committees terms set. VII, 1., C.,: Executive Committee shall appoint Committee on Nominations. (Prior text not available in the minutes). VII, 5: add one member from Division of Developmental Studies, one member from the Counseling Center, two faculty members elected at large. 4/23/81 (Text of pre-amendment language not available from the minutes). Article XI, Section 25, faculty appeals amended. Article II, Membership: substitute entire section. Article VI, committee vacancies amended. Article VII, Section 11, B (1): amended. Committee on Nominations will give consideration to the colleges and library's recommendations for candidates selected for standing committees. Article IV, Meetings: amend regular meeting dates and special called meetings. Article VI, Section 2: amended committee reports. Article VII, Section 1, c (2): Executive Committee shall set agenda and distribute no later than five working days prior to the meeting. Article VII, Section 9: amended to define the duties of the Athletics Committee more precisely. 3/9/82 (Text of amendment not indicated in minutes). The following Articles and sections were amended. Article VI, Section 4. Article VII Sections 3.A, 4.A, 5.A, 6.A, 7.A, 8.A, 9.A, 10.A, 11.A, 11.B.2, 12.A. 5/1/86 Committee on Academic Affairs was replaced with three committees: (1) Section 5: Committee on Admission and Standards; (2) Section 6: Committee on Programs and Continuing Education; (3) Section 7: Committee on Research. 10/29/87 Article VII, Section 7.A: changed Assistant Vice President for Research to Associate Vice President for Research. Article VII, Section 8.A: changed Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs to Associate Vice President for Research. Article VII Section 8.B: changed Committee on Academic Affairs to Committee on Programs and Continuing Education. (These amendments were reapproved on 2/4/88 because there was no quorum in October). 5/5/88 Article VII Section 8.B: changed responsibility of Planning and Development to include long-range planning developed by PACE and the Research Committee. 5/4/89 Removed all sexist language from the Bylaws. 10/26/89 Amended Article III to combine Executive Vice President and Provost with the Vice President for Academic Affairs into the Office of Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost. 2/1/90 Established Committee on the Budget, Section 15. Article VII, Sections 1.A, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.A amended to provide for election of a chair for all committees within ten working days of a new committee. 5/3/90 Article VII, Section 1.C.6: composition to 11 faculty or officers of administration. 10/29/92 Amended to eliminate all references to the Graduate Board. Changed Article VII, Section 6.B to amend duties of PACE to include functions of former Graduate Board. 2/25/93 Added Article VII, Section 16, Senate Committee on Cultural Diversity. 2/24/94 Added Article VII, Section 17, Fiscal Advisory Committee to the President. 11/3/94 Change PACE to Committee on Academic Programs and Continuing Education (APACE) 3/2/95 Change all references to Division of Developmental Studies to the Division of Learning Support Programs. 5/11/95 Article VII, Section 15.A. Amended to include two members of Staff Advisory Council, including the President of the Staff Advisory Council; two students, including the President of the Student Government Association and the Deans of the six colleges on the Budget committee. 9/28/95 Approved change of the academic status of Learning Support Programs (from the Division of LSP to the Department of LSP, College of A&S). This necessitated changes in the composition of Senate committees to be addressed by the Committee on Statutes and Bylaws. (No actual change to the Bylaws was made 9/28/95.) 11/2/95 Approved change in membership composition of the Committee on the Budget to add the two Senators elected to the Fiscal Advisory Committee to the President (FACP) by a vote of the chairs of all Senate committees per Art.VII, Section 17.A. and to delete the Division of Learning Support Programs (division was change to a department 9/28/95). 11/2/95 Approved method of appointing student members to the Committee on Cultural Diversity (Art.VII, Sect.16). Formerly students were appointed by the University President and approved by the Senate Executive Committee; this action changed the student appointment process to the Dean of Students. 2/20/97 Changed descriptions of standing committees to delete College of Public and Urban Affairs and add School of Policy Studies, adjusted representation, standardized language, deleted references to Division or Department of LSP, and changed composition of Cultural Diversity and Student Life and Development Committees. 4/24/97 Approved addition of a new standing committee: the Committee on Information Systems and Technology (Art. VII, Sect. 18). 5/8/97 Updated duties of Commencement Committee to include review of honorary degree candidates (Art. VII, Sect. 14). 10/30/97 Changed name of College of Health Sciences to College of Health and Human Sciences where necessary (Art. VII, various sections). Added an Enrollment Services representative to Committee on Information Systems and Technology (Art. VII, Sect ion 18). 2/19/98 Added student representatives to IS&T Committee; changed description of duties of Nominations Committee, Admissions and Standards Committee, and Planning and Development Committee; corrected titles in various committees' membership listings ; and codified the recording and dissemination of Senate and Senate committee minutes. 5/7/98 Amended Article IV to establish Senate meeting dates under semester calendar. 10/8/98 Changed text to reflect the conversion from quarters to semesters, to reflect the change from the Division of Student Life and Enrollment Services to the Division of Student Services, to reflect the change from the Department of Learning Support Programs to the Department of Academic Foundations, and to add the Director of Affirmative Action as a non-voting member of the Committee on Faculty Affairs. 12/15/98 Changed text to reflect change from College of Business Administration to J. Mack Robinson College of Business and adjusted administrator titles (Art. VII, various sections). 12/9/99 Changed text to reflect change from School of Policy Studies to Andrew Young School of Policy Studies (Art. VII, various sections). 3/22/01 Changed text to reflect change in VP title (from VP for Research and Sponsored Programs to VP for Research) and added a duty to the Committee on Academic Programs and Continuing Education (Article VII, Section 6). 4/12/01 Added the chair of the Planning and Development Committee to the membership of FACP (Article VII, Section 17A) and added a duty to the Committee on Nominations (Article VII, Section 13B). 10/4/01Added duty to IS&T Committee (Article VII, Section 18 B and C) and allowed for staff to serve on Senate committees (Article VI, Section 4). 12/6/01 Changed the Senate calendar from four to five meetings and moved the organizational meeting from the last meeting of the spring semester to the first meeting of the fall semester (Article IV; Article VI, Sec. 3; and Article VII, Sec. 1A) 10/3/02 Changed text to reflect changes in some administrative titles (Article VII, various sections). 12/5/02 Added staff representatives to the University Senate (various sections). 4/24/03 Amended the membership and duties of the Cultural Diversity Committee and made a minor change to the membership of the Budget Committee (Article VII, Sections 15 and 16). 8/21/03 Amended membership list of Senate IS&T Committee (Art. VII, Section 18A). 12/11/03 Amended Art. VI, Sec 3 to reflect current practice of one-year terms. Amended Art. VII, Sec. 18C to add staff senator and delete SAC representative from membership list. 2/13/04 Amended Art. IV to allow for email voting. Amended the membership list of the Cultural Diversity Committee (Art. VII, Section 16.) 4/29/04 Amended various sections to change the Senate calendar (Art. IV; Art. VI, Sec 3; Art. VII, Sections 1 and 17). 10/21/04 Amended to change the name of the Staff Council (various Articles and Sections) and the University Library (various Articles and Sections) 4/21/05 Amended the duties of several standing committees (Article VII. various sections). 3/15/07 Amended the membership of several standing committees (Article VII. various sections). 4/19/07 Changed the reference of Staff Council president to chair in Article VII (various sections). 10/4/07 Added the Director of the Honors Program to the Admissions and Standards Committee (Article VII, Section 5.) 12/6/07 Adjusted the proportion of faculty in Arts and Sciences on the Admissions and Standards Committee (Article VII. Section 5.) 12/11/08 Amended Article IV. Meetings to allow for special meetings to be called with at least 48 hours notice. Amended the duties of the Executive Committee (Article VII., Section 1C.) 12/10/09 Amended Article VII. Section 15. Amended the membership of the Budget Committee. 3/29/10 Amended Article VII. Section 15. Amended the membership of the Budget Committee. Amended Article VII. Section 12 and 14. Added a representative of Emeriti Association as a non-voting member to the Faculty Affairs and Commencment Committees. 1/27/11 Amended Article VII: Committees. Added Section 19, Committee on Sustainability. 4/14/11 Amended Article VII: Committees. Adjusted membership on the Admissions and Standards and Academic Programs Committees and updated the membership and duties of the Athletics Committee. 10/27/11 Amended Article IV: Meetings to clarify electronic voting. Amended Article VIII: Committees to add the chair of the Executive Committee to the Fiscal Advisory Committee to the President. 1/19/12 Amended Article VII: Committees, Section 10. Changed membership of Student Discipline Committee to 10 faculty members from 7 faculty members. 3/15/12 Amended Article VII: Committees, various sections. Added Institute of Public Health, the Byrdine F. Lewis School of Nursing and Health Professions, deleted the College of Health and Human Sciences and the Counseling Center, and adjusted administrator titles as necessary. 4/19/12 Amended Article VII: Committees, various sections. Added duty to Athletics Committee, deleted a duty from the Planning and Development Committee, and added the Institute of Public Health to the Budget Committee. 1/17/13 Amended Article VII: Committees, sections 18, 8, and 4 to reflect administrator title changes. 10/10/13 Amended Article VII: Committees to change "Institute" to "School of Public Health, update titles in the Cultural Diversity Committee, and to clarify text for the Planning and Development Committee. 1/23/14 Amended Article VII: Committees, section 5, updating the membership and duties of the Admissions and Standards Committee. 4/17/14 Amended Article VII: Committees sections 3,4,and 18, updating titles; adding a duty to the University Statutes and Bylaws Committee, amending membership of the Planning and Development Committee. 1/22/15 Amended Article VII: Committees, section 1: amend the text to state that the Executive Committee will meet at least once prior to each Senate meeting. Section 16, Cultural Diversity Committee: change the reference to the Senior Faculty Associate for Underrepresented Faculty to the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs. 3/12/15 Amended Article VII: Committees, section 9 Student Life and Development Committee: amend the name, membership, and charge of the committee; section 15 Budget Committee: add Associate VP for Facilities Management to the committee as a non-voting member. 11/19/15 Amend Bylaws to include Perimeter College. Amend name of College of Education to the College of Education and Human Development. Amended to make editorial corrections and update administrator titles as needed. 2/16/17 Amend Bylaws to add the College of the Arts. Amended to make editorial corrections and update administrator titles as needed. 10/5/17 Amend Bylaws to rename the Committee on Information Systems and Technology to the Committee on Information and Instructional Technology and update the membership list and duties. Amend the Bylaws to change the Byrdine F. Lewis School of Nursing and Health Professions to the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions. 04/8/19 Amend the Bylaws to define memberships of Deans on the Budget Committee. Added two deans selected by the Council of Deans to this Committee. 02/13/20 Amend Admissions and Standards Committee, Adjust the membership to include the Chair of the Senate Committee on Athletics (or the Chair's appointee) as a voting member of the Special Talents Committee. 08/13/20 Amend the Bylaws, Article IV. Meetings, added In the event that physical assembly of any regular-appointed or special University Senate meetings is rendered impossible or impractical due to extraordinary events (i.e. fire, flood, pandemic), such meetings may be administered so that members are electronically present via a GSU-approved videoconferencing application that allows members to be identified by an official GSU campus ID, and all motions, resolutions, or actions may be taken by electronic vote. and A majority of the membership physically or electronically present shall constitute a quorum. 08/21/20 Amend Article VII. Section 5, Committee on Admissions and Standards, changed membership to include the Director of Graduate Admissions. 04/15/21 Amend the Statutes Article VI: Section 1. Members, added the University Attorney as a permanent member of the Senate. 11/18/21 Amend the Bylaws Article VII: Committees, Section 9. Student Life Committee, add a Student Life staff member from Perimeter College and designate existing Student Life Staff member as Atlanta campus. 04/14/22 Amend Article VII. Section 6, Committee on Academic Programs, changed membership to include the Dean of the Graduate School 04/14/22 Amend Article VII, Section 5, Committee on Admissions and Standards, changed membership to include the Dean of the Graduate School, and changed membership title of the Vice President for Student Engagement and Programs to the Senior Vice President for Student Success. 04/14/22 Amend Article VII, Section 11, Committee on Athletics, changed the membership title of Associate Vice President for Student Engagement and Dean of Students to the Vice President for Student Engagement and Programs. 04/14/22 Amend Article VII, Section 15, Committee on Budget, changed the membership to include the Senior Vice President for Strategic Initiatives; changed the membership title from the Vice President for Student Engagement and Programs to the Senior Vice President for Student Success, changed the membership title from the Director of the Office of Government and Community Affairs to the Vice President for Government and Community Affairs. 04/14/22 Amend Article VII, Section 14, Committee on Commencement, changed the membership title of Associate Vice President for Student Engagement and Dean of Students to the Vice President for Student Engagement and Programs. 04/14/22 Amend Article VII, Section 16, Committee on Cultural Diversity, changed the membership title of Director of Affirmative Action to a representative from the Office of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance. 04/14/22 Amend Article VII, Section 12, Committee on Faculty Affairs, changed the membership title of Director of Affirmative Action to Senior Director of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance. 04/14/22 Amend Article VII, Section 8, Committee on Planning and Development, changed the membership to include the Senior Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and change the membership title from Vice President for Development and Alumni Affairs to Vice President for University Advancement. 10/06/22 Amend Article VII, Section 11, Committee on Athletics, changed the membership title of Vice President for Student Engagement and Programs to the Associate Vice President for Student Engagement and Dean of Students. 11/17/22 Amend Article VII, Sections 7. Committee on Research, 8. Committee on Planning and Development, 12. Committee on Faculty Affairs, 15. Committee on the Budget, 17. Fiscal Advisory Committee to the President, 19. Committee on Sustainability, remove the title Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration from the membership of each committee description and add the title Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer to each of the committee descriptions. 4/13/23 Amend Article VII, Section 15, Committee on Budget, changed the membership to include the Vice President for Financial Planning and Operations as an ex-officio member. 4/18/23 University Statutes and Senate Bylaws Committee voted to approve the following title only changes (1) Amend Article VII., Section 8, Committee on Planning and Development, changed the membership title of Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness to Senior Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and (2) Amend Article VII., Section 5, Committee on Budget, changed the membership title of Director of Graduate Admissions to Assistant Dean for Graduate Enrollment and Student Success.
University Statutes
Section 1. Georgia State University is one of the several institutions constituting the University System of Georgia. It is subject to the general jurisdiction of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. The term “Board of Regents” as used in these Statutes shall mean the Board of Regents and its executive officer, the Chancellor.
Section 2. Georgia State University shall exercise all authority conferred upon it by the Board of Regents, including the awarding of appropriate degrees to qualified candidates after recommendation of the faculties of the several colleges and schools of the University or the faculty members serving institutes of the University which are empowered to grant degrees but are not a part of a college or school.
Section 3. Georgia State University is comprised of the following: the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of the Arts, the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, the College of Education and Human Development , the Byrdine F. Lewis School of Nursing and Health Professions, the College of Law, Perimeter College, the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, the School of Public Health, the Honors College, and other units.
Section 4. These Statutes are subordinate to the Bylaws and Policies of the Board of Regents and amendments thereto hereafter adopted.
Section 5. The confidentiality and security of faculty and student files in offices throughout campus shall be preserved and protected at all times. Information of a personal and private nature about faculty and students shall not be divulged by any office of the University, except upon legal grounds or for official university purposes or at the request of and with the consent of the faculty member or student concerned.
Section 6. The policies and regulations of the Board of Regents will govern the eligibility of persons for employment or retention on the faculty, administration, and staff.
Section 1. The head of the University and its chief administrative officer shall be the President. The President shall be elected by the Board of Regents and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board.
Section 2. The powers and duties of the President shall be as follows:
A. Those powers, duties, and responsibilities prescribed by the Board of Regents.
B. The President shall prepare the annual budget of the University for presentation to the Board of Regents and shall recommend to the Board amendments thereto.
C. Upon the recommendation of the appropriate faculty, the President shall confer all degrees and issue diplomas and certificates.
D. The President shall have the power to appoint special or standing committees for consultation and advice regarding administrative problems of the University or for assistance in the performance of such functions of the University as may be necessary to the implementation of the regulations of the Board of Regents.
E. Subject to the approval of the Board of Regents, the President shall appoint a Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, and such other general administrators and assistants as are needed to carry out the President’s responsibilities and conduct the President’s office, and shall identify and define their responsibilities and determine their titles.
F. All officers and assistants whose appointments are provided for by these Statutes shall hold their administrative offices at the pleasure of the President.
G. Through memoranda, organization charts, and other communications media the President shall keep the various units of the University advised on organizational changes and shifts in the responsibilities of administrative officers.
Section 3. When the President is absent from the University, the functions of the President shall be exercised by the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs. The President shall designate an administrative officer who shall exercise Presidential functions in the absence of both the President and the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Section 1. The Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost shall be the second officer of the University: shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Regents; shall be a member of the faculty of each college and school, of the Administrative Council, and of the University Senate; and shall be a member ex-officio of all faculty committees, councils, and boards.
A. General Responsibilities:
- The Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost shall make recommendations to the President regarding the internal operations of the University.
- He or she shall assign responsibilities for and evaluate completion of the academic objectives of the University to all appropriate officials.
- He or she shall monitor the functions and officials of the University’s academic administration and correct any conduct not consistent with the professional and legal fulfillment of the University’s purposes and objectives.
- He or she shall be responsible for the preparation of the annual academic budget and the preservation of its integrity.
- He or she shall evaluate, on a written annual basis, the performance of all officials reporting directly to his or her office.
- He or she shall preside over the meetings of the University Senate in the absence of the President.
- He or she shall be responsible for planning the academic future of the University.
- He or she shall be responsible for implementation of applicable academic policies of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia.
- He or she may choose such associates and assistants as may be necessary, and upon appointment to such post by the President and with the approval of the Chancellor and the Board of Regents, these persons so chosen will assist in the conduct of his or her office.
B. The Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost shall also be responsible for the performance of the following functions:
- The coordination, correlation, and support (including library support) of instruction, research, and public service programs.
- Supervision of the business and financial operations as they relate to academic affairs.
- The coordination of all other administrative services. His or her office shall direct the various services of the University to assure maximum benefit to the educational programs and community interests, while restraining the unwise use of University resources.
Section 1. Members. The Administrative Council shall consist of the President (who shall be presiding officer), the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, other administrative officers to be designated by the President (always to include the deans of the various colleges and schools, and the Dean of Libraries) and the members of the Executive Committee of the University Senate (See Article VI, Section 4 and Article VIII, Section 1).
Section 2. General Functions. The Administrative Council shall be an advisory body to the President on all administrative policies of the University. The Council may recommend to the President such rules and regulations as will facilitate the administrative operations of the University, bring about closer correlation of its various departments and divisions, and improve the quality of all phases of its work.
Section 3. Special Functions. The members of the Executive Committee of the University Senate shall constitute an advisory committee of the faculty which the President may consult. The President may seek the advice of this committee in the handling of any problems that may arise.
Section 1. Membership. University faculty membership consists of full-time professors, associate professors, assistant professors, principal senior lecturers, senior lecturers, lecturers, clinical professors, clinical associate professors, clinical assistant professors, clinical instructors, research professors, research associate professors, research assistant professors, professors of practice, academic professionals, and instructors, who do not hold temporary, limited-term, part-time, or visiting appointments. It also includes the President, administrative and academic deans, and Dean of Libraries. Duly certified librarians are members of the University Faculty.
Section 2. Ex Officio Faculty Status. Administrators may hold ex officio faculty status for the purpose of eligibility to participate in the Regents’ Optional Retirement Plan (ORP). The Georgia State University Faculty Handbook lists eligible administrative positions.
Section 3. Meetings. A special meeting of the faculty shall be called by its presiding officer, the University President, upon petition of ten (10) percent of the membership eligible to vote. At least fifty (50) percent of its membership as determined by the registrar, shall constitute a quorum. Adequate notice shall be given for any meeting. The registrar, as secretary of the university faculty, shall prepare the minutes of each meeting of the faculty, and shall make a copy, and any corrections thereto, available to each member of the faculty. A copy of the minutes shall be sent to the Chancellor.
Section 4. Powers. The university faculty shall have a veto power over any legislative action of the University Senate by a majority vote of those present and voting at a duly called meeting. The President must be notified through the office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs seven (7) working days in advance of such meeting that a veto resolution is to be introduced by a member of the faculty who is not a member of the Senate. A veto resolution must be signed by at least ten (10) percent of the faculty, as determined by the registrar. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall determine that this requirement has been satisfied before communicating the notice of the veto resolution to the President.
Section 1. Members.
A. The University Senate shall consist of the President, who shall be the presiding officer, the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, the vice presidents, the deans of the several colleges and schools, the Dean of Libraries, the university attorney, chief administrative officers of the academic units (as defined in Article VIII, Section 1 of the Statutes) and, on the recommendation of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, the President may appoint eleven (11) additional faculty or officers of administration after consultation with the Executive Committee of the Senate; a faculty member for each ten (10) members of the university faculty, or fraction thereof, for each academic department, discipline (in Perimeter College), school, and institute within the several colleges and schools; a representative for each ten (10) members of the university faculty, or fraction thereof for the University Library, fifteen (15) staff representatives, and twelve (12) students. The President, the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, the Dean of Libraries, and the deans of the colleges and schools shall be permanent members. The additional members from general administration or faculty shall be appointed annually. The GSU Emeriti Coordinating Committee will designate annually a member of the Emeriti Association to serve as a non-voting member of the University Senate.
B. Student members of the Senate shall be elected for one-year terms through the annual student government election process. Staff members, who need not be members of the Staff Council but must have at least three (3) years of service at one of the college, schools, divisions, or departments of Georgia State University as of the time they would take office, shall be elected for two (2) year terms by the membership of the Staff Council. The faculty members, who must have at least three (3) years of service at one of the colleges or schools at Georgia State University as of the time they would take office, shall be elected for two (2) year terms. If a department or equivalent unit does not have any faculty members with three (3) years of service, then any faculty member of that department or unit is eligible for election to the Senate. Faculty elections shall be held at the beginning of the spring semester and shall take place in each department or equivalent unit by secret ballot after open nominations. The number to be elected in any one year by such department or unit shall be one-half, or its nearest practical equivalent, of the senators authorized for that department or unit as of the fall term of the academic year in which the elections are held. When the number authorized is an odd number of more than one, the department or unit shall determine how the total number authorized to be elected shall be divided over the two-year period. The term of an elected faculty member shall not be terminated by reason of a diminution in the total number of representatives authorized that department or unit. Adjustments in numbers of representatives shall be made at the time of the first election after any increase or diminution in number of representatives authorized. Terms of service shall begin with the call to order of the last Senate meeting of the academic year. Faculty vacancies which occur during a term of service shall be filled for the remainder of that term in the same manner as the original election. Any student vacancy occurring during an elected term of office shall be filled by the Senate of the Student Government Association, with the concurrence of the academic dean of the college concerned.
Subject to Article XVI of these Statutes, the Executive Committee shall have responsibility for initiating and maintaining the system of overlapping terms, for verifying the number of representatives authorized each department or equivalent unit, and for resolving questions related to the faculty election process.
C. The President of the Student Government Association shall be a member. The remaining eleven (11) student representatives shall be elected annually during the spring term by secret ballot by the Senate of the Student Government Association, with two (2) representatives each from the colleges of Arts and Sciences, the J. Mack Robinson College of Business, the College of Education and Human Development; Perimeter College; and one (1) representative each from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, the School of Public Health, and the Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions.
D. The chair and vice chair of the Staff Council shall be members. The remaining thirteen (13) staff senators shall be elected by the Staff Council to two-year (2) terms.
Section 2. Duties and Functions. The University Senate shall, in keeping with the bylaws and policies of the Board of Regents, exercise legislative functions dealing with the general educational policy of the University, the discipline of students, and all other student activities and affairs, including all matters where the President determines there is a need for uniform policy throughout the University. The University Senate shall not adopt any regulations affecting curricula, or the internal affairs of a college, school, or institute except insofar as such action may be necessary to protect the interests of the University as a whole, but it may make recommendations to the faculty of a college, school, or institute concerning matters within the jurisdiction of that college, school, or institute. Since the creation or abolition of a college or school necessarily affects the educational interests of the entire University, any proposal for the creation or abolition of a college or school shall be presented to the University Senate for its recommendation to the President. A legislative action of the University Senate is subject to veto by the University faculty and/or by the President (see Section 5, below).
Section 3. Meetings. The University Senate shall hold four regularly-appointed meetings during each academic year. The Chair of the Senate Executive Committee shall have the option of canceling a maximum of one of these four meetings should s/he determine that there is insufficient business for the meeting. Special meetings may be called by the presiding officer; upon petition of twenty (20) percent of the membership of the University Senate, a meeting must be called. A majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum. Adequate notice shall be given of any senate meeting. Meetings of the University Senate and its committees, except the Executive Committee at its own discretion, shall be open to the university community, provided that only members have the privilege of voting, and non-members shall have the privilege of the floor only when specifically provided by the University Senate, or the committees. The minutes of the University Senate and its committees, including the Executive Committee, shall be open to inspection by the university community. Exceptions shall be made in cases where confidential information about particular individuals would be otherwise revealed. The responsibility for the determination of confidentiality shall rest with the Executive Committee, who shall secure consent of the individual affected before making this information available in the minutes. In the first three academic years following the consolidation of Georgia State University and Georgia Perimeter College , one Senate meeting per academic year will be held at a campus that was part of Georgia Perimeter College.
Section 4. Organization. A. The University Senate shall have the power to make its own bylaws and policies consistent with the policies of the Board of Regents and with these Statutes, and through its bylaws shall establish appropriate committees as may be needed for the orderly and efficient handling of its business. Faculty members, staff, and students who are not members of the Senate may be included on all Senate committees except the Executive Committee and where otherwise specified. The majority of every committee shall be members of the University Senate. With the exception of the Fiscal Advisory Committee to the President, no more than twenty-five (25) percent of any designated standing committee shall be non-elected senators who serve by virtue of office or are presidential appointees unless a temporary special case is deemed to exist and the exception is approved by the Executive Committee of the Senate.
B. An Executive Committee of the University Senate shall be established consisting of the President, the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, and seven (7) elected members who are also elected members of the University Senate. These seven (7) members shall be elected by secret ballot by the University Senate annually immediately following the election of members of the University Senate. In the first three academic years following the consolidation of Georgia State University and Georgia Perimeter College, at least one Perimeter College senator will be a member of the Executive Committee of the University Senate. In those three academic years, if no Perimeter College senator is among the top seven (7) vote getters, then the Perimeter College senator with the most votes will replace the senator who receives the seventh most votes. All other matters of internal organization shall be as provided in the Bylaws adopted by the University Senate.
Section 5. The President shall have the right to veto any action of the University Senate within a period of forty-five (45) days after receipt by returning said action to the University Senate with a written statement of objections and by requesting that the matter be reconsidered. The University Senate may (a) accept the veto; (b) construct a compromise action and send it to the President; or (c) reject the veto with the request that the President reconsider. If either the University Senate or the President refuses to recede and if arrangement cannot be reached, the matter shall be referred to the Board of Regents through the Chancellor for review pursuant to pertinent policies of the Board.
Section 1. Members. The membership of the Staff Council shall be elected by and from the classified personnel as defined in the Policies of the Board of Regents and in the Personnel and Policies procedures section of the Business Procedures Manual of the Board of Regents. Elections shall be conducted in accordance with the Bylaws of the Council.
Section 2. Functions and Powers. The Council shall act as an advisory body to the University President and shall act on behalf of the staff of the University where there is a need for a uniform policy throughout the University. They shall endeavor to increase a flow of communications among all sectors of the University and to make recommendations concerning actions of the University which impact on staff.
Section 3. Organization. The Council shall have the power to create its own bylaws and policies consistent with the Policies of the Board of Regents and with these Statutes, and though its Bylaws shall establish appropriate committees needed for the handling of its business.
Section 4. A meeting of the Council shall be held at least once each semester.
Section 1. Any school, division or other unit which is not a part of another college of Georgia State University and whose faculty hold academic rank with the unit should be defined for the purpose of the Article as an “academic unit.” Such academic units shall have a dean or director who shall be its chief administrative officer and whose faculty shall be subject to the review of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost for the purposes of promotion and tenure. In the event that a school, institute, or division is developed within an academic unit, the dean or director of such school or division shall report to the chief administrative officer of the academic unit. Academic units which are not a part of a college shall be defined as a college for the purposes of the implementation of these Statutes and Bylaws of the University Senate. The President shall appoint the chief administrative officer of each academic unit on the recommendation of the appropriate vice president and after consultation with the Chancellor. Such appointees of the President shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Regents. Each of the deans and directors shall hold office at the pleasure of the President. Every academic unit shall have bylaws approved by its faculty, its dean or director, and the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost.
Section 2. The powers and duties of deans of colleges or schools shall be as follows:
A. Provide leadership in the development of the programs of their college or school and shall coordinate and integrate the work of its several departments.
B. Be responsible for reporting to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost any matters which significantly affect the accreditation of their college or school.
C. Preside at all meetings of their faculty, and formulate policies for their college or school and present them to the faculty for consideration.
D. Recommend the appointment, reappointment, dismissal, and promotion of administrative officers and faculty.
E. In making nominations for appointments to positions within a department, act on the recommendation of the departmental chair concerned.
F. After consideration of budgets prepared by departmental chairs, prepare annually a consolidated budget of their college or school for presentation to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost.
G. Oversee the work of the students of their college or school and shall establish adequate procedures to advise students in the selection of courses and fields of study. They shall be responsible for the administering of regulations affecting student scholarship. They shall report to the university office responsible for student records any action taken by them which affects a student’s program. They shall report to the office responsible for student records, the office of the chief financial officer, and other offices as designated by the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost any action taken by them which affects a student’s enrollment.
H. Prepare for the catalog the curricula approved by the faculty of their college or school.
I. On the basis of the records and reports of the university office responsible for student records, certify students for graduation who have satisfied faculty requirements and have been approved for graduation by the faculty.
J. For all official business of their college or school, serve as a medium of communication with the faculty, the administrative staff, and the students.
K. Before the close of the academic year, submit to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost a report of the work of their college or school.
L. Provide the opportunity for the faculty of their college or school to organize itself and to adopt appropriate bylaws for its governance.
M. Shall recommend to the President through the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost the appointment of such associates or assistants as may be necessary in order to enable deans to discharge efficiently the duties of their office.
N. The Dean of Libraries shall have the powers and duties of a dean with regard to Library faculty and non-faculty employees and Library activities, and shall be responsible for the formulation of appropriate regulations and procedures. The Librarian shall provide the opportunity for the Library faculty to organize itself as appropriate for the internal governance of an academic library in order to provide maximum service to the academic community, and this organization shall be effective upon the approval of the Administrative Council and the President.
O. For the purposes of implementing the Statutes of the University and the Bylaws of the University Senate with regard to its faculty and non-faculty employees and its activities, the chief administrative officer of any academic unit which is not a college shall have those powers and duties of a dean which are appropriate for the structure and mission of the academic unit.
P. In the event that an academic unit is not further subdivided, the chief academic officer shall further assume those responsibilities enumerated in Article X, Section 3, which are appropriate to the structure and mission of the unit provided, however, that in any situation of incompatibility between the responsibilities of a dean and the responsibilities set out in Article X, Section 3, the judgment of the dean shall be the final respecting which duties to perform.
Section 1. An evaluation of the President, the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, all Vice Presidents, all Associate Provosts, the Dean of each college/school, and the Dean of Libraries will be undertaken by faculty and staff at the end of the administrator’s third year in the first evaluation cycle and at least every five years thereafter, in accordance with the procedures and a schedule established by the University Senate. If an administrative appointment starts before the end of a calendar year (December 31 or earlier), that administrator will be scheduled for review at the end of the third academic year of service; if the administrative appointment begins after the start of the new calendar year (January 1 or after), then the review clock begins with the start of the next fiscal year (1 July of the year of hire) and the review will occur at the end of the third academic year following. The purpose of such comprehensive reviews is to evaluate the progress of each administrator, to provide the opportunity for constructive input from faculty and other constituencies, to review the individual’s professional contributions and performance as a “leader” and as an “administrator,” and to provide feedback to improve his or her performance. Detailed procedures for the evaluation are developed by the Executive Committee of the University Senate in consultation with the Faculty Affairs Committee of the University Senate and adopted by the University Senate.
Section 2. In those units that have chairs, Associate Deans shall be evaluated by the Dean with input from the appropriate faculty and staff of the unit at least every three years. A College may determine how, if at all, to align review cycles of the Dean, associate deans, and/or other administrators. The findings of this evaluation shall be considered in the Dean’s overall evaluation of the associate dean’s performance. The purpose of such comprehensive reviews is to evaluate the progress of each administrator, to provide the opportunity for constructive input from faculty and other constituencies, to review the individual’s professional contributions and performance as a “leader” and as an “administrator,” and to provide feedback to improve his or her performance.
Section 1: Membership. The faculty of a college or school consists of those members of the university faculty who hold an appointment in a department, school, or institute of a college, school, or division. Other individuals may be specified in the Bylaws of the college or division as being faculty members of the college or division with the exception of individuals hired on a course-by-course basis.
Section 2. Authority. Subject to the Bylaws and Policies of the Board of Regents and to the policies of the University Senate on all matters affecting general university policy, and subject to minimum requirements as may be established for the University, the faculty of each college or school shall have the authority and duty to determine the entrance requirements for its own students; to prescribe and define courses of study for them; to set requirements for degrees, diplomas, and certificates; to enact and enforce rules for the guidance and government of its students; and in general, to exercise jurisdiction over all educational matters within the college or school.
Section 3. Autonomy. The faculty of a college or school shall have the fullest autonomy which is consistent with the maintenance of the general educational policy of the University and with the maintenance of proper academic and administrative relations with the other colleges or schools of the University, provided that the autonomy is not inconsistent with the Bylaws and Policies of the Board of Regents.
Section 4. Graduate Work. The faculty of a college or school which offers graduate work may be so organized in its bylaws that certain members with suitable qualifications shall be designated as graduate faculty. This graduate faculty may have its own dean or director of graduate studies and its own bylaws subject to the provisions of the college or school bylaws. Its duties and responsibilities within a graduate structure shall be similar to the duties and responsibilities of the faculty of the college or school itself as defined in Section 1, above. If there is a graduate faculty and a director or dean of graduate studies of a college or school, they shall report through the dean of that college or school. At the discretion of the dean and faculty of a college or school, other forms of organization may be adopted with the approval of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost. Section 5. Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates. Through its dean and the President of the University, the appropriate faculty of a college or school shall recommend to the Board of Regents the establishing, modifying, or discontinuing of degrees, diplomas, and certificates attesting to academic credit earned. A recommendation regarding any degree program shall be made only with the approval of such faculty.
Section 6. Organization. Regarding matters within its jurisdiction, the faculty of each college or school shall have the power to set up rules governing its own procedure and to adopt bylaws and regulations. On call of its dean, each faculty shall hold at least one (1) meeting during each academic semester. Minutes of all such meetings shall be sent by the dean or a representative to each faculty member of the college or school, to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost and to the President. Special meetings may be called by the dean and must be called upon petition of twenty (20) percent of the faculty eligible to vote; the petition shall specify the purpose of the meeting. Adequate notice shall be given of any faculty meeting.
Section 1. Definition. A department, school or institute is an administrative subdivision of a college, school, or other unit of the University organized for the purpose of conducting programs in instruction, research, and service.
Section 2. Membership. The faculty of a department, school or institute consists of those members of the college faculty who hold appointment in the department, school or institute. Individuals annually appointed with rank in two or more departments are considered to be members of the faculty of each department.
Section 3. Chair. The Chair shall be evaluated by the faculty of the department at least every three years. This evaluation shall be conducted by the dean who shall notify the President of the results of this evaluation which shall be used in the overall evaluation of the chair’s performance.The duties of a departmental chair shall be as follows:A. The chair shall be responsible to the academic dean and shall have general direction of the work of the department; and be responsible for the formation, in consultation with the chair’s faculty, of departmental policies; and is charged with responsibility for the execution of departmental policies and policies of the University and college or school or other unit insofar as they affect the work of the chair’s department.
B. The chair shall be the official representative of the department in all official communications with the dean, the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, the President, and other officers of the University, and also in all departmental communications with the students.
C. The chair shall be responsible for the quality of the instruction offered in the department; and give close supervision to the teaching done by members of the faculty; and consult from time to time with each member of the department regarding the nature, scope, and quality of the chair’s work.
D. The chair shall assign courses within the department and maintain insofar as is possible an equitable distribution of courses and sections; and shall see that there is no undue overlapping of courses in the department, and bring to the attention of the dean of the college or school any instance in which another department of the University is offering a course that conflicts with or duplicates a course offered in the chair’s own department.
E. The chair shall maintain a general overview of the work of students in the department.
F. The chair shall be responsible for recruiting new faculty whose qualifications are consistent with the objectives of the institution, and shall, after consultation with members of the department, recommend appointments, re-appointments, promotions, and, consistent with tenure policy, dismissals of members of the faculty.
G. The chair shall, after consultation with members of the faculty, prepare the annual budget for the department and submit it to the dean of the college or school through the divisional chair, when applicable.
H. The chair shall be responsible for the expenditure of departmental funds and the care and use of departmental property; and shall transmit, where applicable, through the dean of the college or school to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost on forms provided to the chair, budget amendments, personnel and payroll documents, and requisitions for supplies, equipment, and other materials that may be required by the department.
I. The chair shall prepare such information regarding the courses in the department as may be needed for the catalog and transmit this material to the dean of the college or school.
J. The chair shall make an annual report to the dean of the college or school on the teaching, research, and service work of the department.
Section 4. Divisions. Upon the recommendation of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, and dean or deans affected, the President may create a divisional organization encompassing departments engaged in closely related work.
A. The divisional chair shall be appointed by the President upon recommendation of the dean, or deans concerned, and the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost with the approval of the Board of Regents.
B. The chair of a division shall be responsible to the dean or deans concerned for the scope, content, and quality of all courses cutting across department lines and embracing work in more than one (1) field. The chair shall be responsible for correlating the work of all departments within the division and for setting up an integrated program of instruction, research, and service.
Section 5. Faculty.
A. Responsibility. The faculty of a department, subject to the direction of the faculty of their college or school, shall be responsible for the program of studies offered by the department and shall have power to determine matters of internal administration within the department so long as they do not adversely affect relations with other departments.
B. Meetings. The faculty of a department shall meet at least once each semester, except for the summer semester. At all meetings of the departmental faculty, the chair of the department shall be the presiding officer. Minutes shall be maintained, and copies shall be transmitted formally to the academic dean.
Section 1. Appointment. All appointments, re-appointments, and promotions of members of the faculty shall be made by the President with the approval of the Board of Regents. Recommendations shall originate with the department and shall be presented to the dean of the college or school for consideration. If the dean approves, the dean shall transmit a recommendation to the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost.
Section 2. Qualifications. Every appointment shall be made in accordance with the Policies of the Board of Regents and solely on the basis of merit and the special fitness of the individual. In the appointment and promotion of members of the faculty, special consideration shall be given to their teaching ability, research ability, achievement, and general usefulness or promise thereof to the University. The initial appointees to the rank of associate or full professor should have doctoral degree or equivalent in training, ability, or experience. Appointees as assistant professor or instructor must have, as a minimum, the master’s degree, except for persons of special learning and ability.
Section 3. Employment Contracts. Contracts shall be as prescribed by the Board of Regents.
Section 4. Duties. Members of faculty shall perform such responsibilities in instruction, research, and service and discharge such other professionally appropriate duties as may be assigned to them during the period of their contract. Section 5. Scholarship. Each faculty member shall be expected to maintain scholarship through continuous research and study, which should yield results in improved teaching and publication of research studies.
Section 6. Teaching Performance. No service to the University, however exceptional, shall be deemed sufficient to overcome failure to render adequate service in teaching. In the annual report the departmental chair shall include a statement concerning the performance of teaching faculty members in the department. Due attention shall be given in this report to special qualities of excellence in the performance of teaching faculty members in the department.
Section 7. Formal Academic Exercises. Members of the faculty are expected to attend formal academic exercises of the University and to wear on such occasions appropriate academic costume.
Section 8. Extra-Curricular Activities. Faculty members shall be encouraged to participate, in a manner befitting their academic position, in such extra-curricular activities as are proper extension of their professional field of interest, whether these be in the internal administration of the University or in representation of the University before outside groups. Annual departmental reports shall make references to such activities on the part of members of the faculty.
Section 9. Office Hours. Members of the faculty are expected to make available in the medium provided for that purpose such office hours and conference periods as they deem most advantageous to their students.
Section 10. Outside Activity. No members of the faculty of the University shall engage in any outside work or activity if it interferes with the regular and punctual discharge of their official university duties and responsibilities. Prior to engaging in remunerative outside work or activity, a faculty member must file a description of the nature and extent of the outside work or activity with the dean of the appropriate college or school and the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs. The faculty member shall not continue or undertake such employment if notified of the disapproval of such undertaking.
Section 11. Faculty Rewards. Instruction, research, and public service are the three (3) components of Georgia State University’s educational function. In determining faculty salary increases consideration shall be given scholarly attainment and professional growth as evidenced by each of the following: (a) teaching activity and effectiveness; (b) research, publication, creative scholarly activity, or artistic performance; and © university, professional, and public service activities.
Section 12. Evaluation. Each faculty member shall be evaluated at least annually by the person to whom that faculty member reports.
Section 13. Salaries. In determining salaries of members of the faculty and staff serving on an annual (fiscal year) basis, consideration shall be given to the fact that they are required to be on duty for a period over one-third longer than that of those whose appointments are on a two (2) semester basis.
Section 14. Promotion and Tenure.
A. Each college, school, department or other unit which recommends faculty promotions or tenure will specify and make available to its faculty written copies of the applicable criteria and procedures governing promotion and tenure.
B. Recommendations regarding promotion and tenure by the appropriate chair, dean or other administrator shall be made following consultation with an appropriate faculty committee from within the department, college, division or unit.
C. Consultations regarding promotion and tenure shall be documented and shall include the committee’s recommendation, if any.
D. All recommendations made under this section will be documented showing that all required criteria and procedures have been followed.
E. Tenure is established and governed by the policies and regulations of the Board of Regents.
F. Minimum criteria for promotion shall include a significant representation of the following qualifications.
- Superior teaching.
- Outstanding service to the University.
- Academic achievement.
- Professional growth and development.
- Length of service in the University.
- Outstanding public service.
G. This section does not apply to decisions about non-renewal or non-retention of untenured faculty or to dismissals.
Section 15. Degree Equivalents. As a general rule, no person will be advanced to the rank of associate professor who has not received the doctoral degree. Exceptions to this rule may be made in the case of members of the faculty who have served the University for a number of years and in the case of those who may qualify as having the equivalent of such degree. The following, in combination, may be as equivalent:
A. Established reputation in field of interest.
B. Research, scholarly publications, or creative production.
C. Superior teaching as shown by competence in the conduct of classes and seminars, effective relations with students, and use and development of appropriate teaching aids.
D. Substantial, significant, and integrated program of study beyond the master’s degree.
E. Outstanding service to the University.
F. Activities related to professional growth and development.
Neither the possession of a doctoral degree nor longevity of service is a guarantee of promotion.
Section 16. Academic Freedom. All faculty members are entitled to enjoy and to exercise, without penalty for such exercise, all the rights of an American citizen as well as the rights of academic freedom as they are generally understood in the teaching profession.
Section 17. Tenure. Tenure is established and governed by the policies and regulations of the Board of Regents.
Section 18. Illness. The rights of employees who are incapacitated by illness are as established by the policies of the Board of Regents.
Section 19. Vacations. Members of the general administration shall be employed on an annual (fiscal year) basis. Vacation for such personnel and for faculty members employed on an annual (fiscal year) basis is as established by the Board of Regents.
Section 20. Leave. All leaves granted by Georgia State University must be in accordance with Regents’ regulations. When the members of the faculty desire to leave for the purpose of study, research, or other pursuit, the object of which is to increase their professional efficiency and usefulness to the University, they shall make known to the dean of their college or school the period during which they wish to be absent. The dean, in consultation with the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost shall try to schedule the work of the faculty member so as to make it possible for them to have the leave requested.
A. The President may, with the approval of the Chancellor and the Board of Regents, grant leaves of absence, with or without pay, to members of the faculty or administrative staff. Recommendations for leave without pay will be approved whenever it appears that the granting of such leaves will not be prejudicial to the interests of the University.
B. Leave with pay shall be granted only for the purpose of promoting scholarly work and encouraging professional development. The program or project on which the applicant proposes to work will be examined carefully by the President and the likelihood of the applicant’s being able to accomplish the purpose for which leave is requested also will be considered.
C. Leave with pay ordinarily will not be granted if the applicant has less than three (3) years’ employment in the University nor will leave with pay be granted to an applicant who has not already completed the requirements for a master’s degree or the equivalent.
D. Faculty members who have been granted a leave of absence with pay shall be required, before beginning their leave, to sign an agreement that they will return the full amount of compensation they received from the Institution while on leave if they should not return to the University for at least one (1) year of service after termination of their leave.
E. In evaluating a request for a leave, the President should take into consideration the effect that the granting of leave will have on the Institution or on the department of which the applicant is a member. If the applicant’s work cannot be handled by other faculty members, and if funds are not available for the employment of a substitute, the President will be justified in refusing to recommend that the leave be granted or in deferring action upon the request for a leave.
F. Military leave shall be granted as provided by Policies of the Board of Regents.
Section 21. Classified Personnel. Classified personnel are defined as professional and administrative personnel and staff personnel. Classified professional and administrative personnel are personnel who are exempt from the Federal Wage-Hour provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and who are not identified as faculty or as graduate assistants. Classified staff employees are personnel who are not exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. These personnel are subject to the Classified Personnel Policy for the University System of Georgia adopted by the Board of Regents, including periodic evaluation as provided in this policy.
Section 22. Part-time Personnel. Persons of learning and ability in special fields may be employed on a part-time basis with academic titles, but they shall not be entitled to faculty rank, tenure, or voting rights in the faculty.
Section 23. The Policy Manual of the Board of Regents provide for the employment, resignation, and removal of a faculty member as follows:
A. From the Policy Manual, Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, Section 803.06:
“a. Tenured
All tenured faculty members employed under written contract for the fiscal or academic year shall give written notice of their intention to resign to the president of the institution or to his/her authorized representative, postmarked no later than February 1, immediately preceding the expiration of the contract period.
b. Non-tenured
- Each year, on or before the dates specified in Regents’ tenure regulations, the president of an institution, or his/her authorized representative, shall advise, in writing, all non-tenured faculty who have been awarded academic rank (instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, professor) and who are employed under written contract whether an employment contract for the succeeding academic year will be offered to them. Such written notice shall be delivered by hand or by certified mail, to be delivered to the addressee only, with receipt to show to whom and when delivered and the address where delivered.
- Notice of intention to renew or not to renew a non-tenured faculty member who has been awarded academic rank (instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, professor) shall be furnished, in writing according to the following schedule:
- at least three months before the date of termination of an initial one-year contract;
- at least six months before the date of termination of a second one-year contract;
- at least nine months before the date of termination of a contract after two or more years of service in the institution. This schedule of notification does not apply to persons holding temporary or part-time position, or persons with courtesy appointments, such as adjunct appointments.
- Non-tenured faculty and other non-tenured personnel employed under written contract shall be employed only for the term specified in the contract and subsequent or future employment, if any, shall result solely from a separate offer and acceptance requisite to execution of a new and distinct contract.”
B. From the Policy Manual, Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, Section 803.09, Paragraphs J. and K.:
“J. Notice of the intention to renew or not to renew a non-tenured faculty member who has been awarded academic rank (instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, professor) shall be furnished, in writing, according to the following schedule:
- at least three months before the date of termination of an initial one-year contract;
- at least six months before the date of termination of a second one-year contract;
- at least nine months before the date of termination of a contract after two or more years of service in the institution. This schedule of notification does not apply to persons holding temporary or part-time positions in whatever rank stated.
K. A tenured faculty member, or a non-tenured faculty member, before the end of his/her contract term, may be dismissed for any of the following reasons provided that the institution has complied with procedural due process requirements:
- Conviction or admission of guilt of a felony or of a crime involving moral turpitude during the period of employment–or prior thereto if the conviction or admission of guilt was willfully concealed;
- Professional incompetency, neglect of duty, or default of academic integrity in teaching, in research, or in scholarship;
- Unlawful manufacture, distribution, sale, use or possession of marijuana, a controlled substance, or other illegal or dangerous drugs as defined by Georgia laws; teaching or working which interferes with the faculty member’s performance of duty or his/her responsibilities to the institution or to his/her profession;
- Conviction or admission of guilt in a court proceeding of any criminal drug offense;
- Physical or mental incompetency as determined by law or by a medical board of three or more licensed physicians and reviewed by a committee of the faculty;
- False swearing with respect to official documents filed with the institution;
- Disruption of any teaching, research, administrative, disciplinary, public service, or other authorized activity;
- Such other grounds for dismissal as may be specified in the statutes of the institution.”
Section 24. Institutional Regulations for removal of Faculty Members.
A. The Policy Manual, Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, Section 803.11, provides the following procedures for removal of faculty members:
“The president of an institution may at any time remove any faculty member of other employee of an institution for cause. Cause shall include willful or intentional violation of the policies of the Board of Regents or the approved statutes of an institution. Further causes or grounds for dismissal are set forth in the tenure regulations of the policies of the Board of Regents and in the approved statutes or bylaws of an institution.
Introduction: These Procedures shall apply only to the dismissal of a faculty member with tenure, or a non-tenured faculty member before the end of the term specified in his/her contract.
It is intended that the procedures set forth below shall be considered as minimum standards of due process and shall not be construed as a limitation upon individual standards or procedures, consistent with the Policies Manual and Bylaws of the Board, which an institution of the System may elect to adopt for its own improvement or to make adjustments to its own particular circumstances. Such additional standards or procedures shall be incorporated into the statutes of the institution.
The president may at any time remove any faculty member for cause. Cause or grounds for dismissal are set forth in this Policy Manual and in approved statutes or bylaws of an institution. Whenever the words “president” or “administration” are used in these procedures, they shall be construed to include the designated representative of the president.
Preliminary Procedures: The dismissal of a tenured faculty member, or a non-tenured faculty member during his/her contract term should be preceded by:
- Discussion between the faculty member and appropriate administrative officers looking toward a mutual settlement.
- Informal inquiry by an appropriate faculty committee which may, upon failing to effect an adjustment, advise the president whether dismissal proceedings should be undertaken; its advisory opinion shall not be binding upon the president.
- A letter to the faculty member forewarning that he/she is about to be terminated for cause and informing him/her that a statement of charges will be forwarded to him/her upon request. The faculty member may also request a formal hearing on the charges before a faculty committee. Failure to request charges or a hearing within a reasonable time shall constitute a waiver of the right to a hearing.
- A statement of charges, if requested by the faculty member, framed with reasonable particularity by the president or his or her designated representative. Along with the charges, the faculty member shall be advised of the names of the witnesses to be used against him or her together with the nature of their expected testimony.
Provision for Hearing Committee: A dismissal as defined above shall be preceded by statement of charges or causes (grounds for dismissal) if so requested, including a statement that the faculty member concerned shall have the right to be heard by a faculty hearing committee.
The Hearing Committee shall consist of not less than three or more than five impartial faculty members appointed by the executive committee (or its equivalent) of the highest legislative body of the faculty, from among the members of the entire faculty (as defined by the Policy Manual of the Board) of the institution.
Members of the Hearing Committee may serve concurrently on other committees of the faculty. The Hearing Committee will meet as a body when it is called into session by the chair of the body which selected them either at his discretion or upon the request of the president or the faculty member who is subject to dismissal.
When the Hearing Committee is called into session, it shall elect a chair from among its membership. A member should remove himself/herself from the case, either at the request of a party or on his/her own initiative if he/she deems himself/herself disqualified for bias or interest. Each party shall have a maximum of two challenges without stated cause; provided however, that all challenges whether with or without cause shall be made in writing and filed with the chair of the Hearing Committee at least five days in advance of the date set for the hearing. The chair shall have the authority to decide whether a member of the committee is disqualified for cause. If the chair determines that a member is so disqualified or if a committee member removes himself/herself from a case, the replacement shall be made in the same manner as the original committee was selected. If the chair is thus removed, the committee shall elect a new chair after committee replacements have been appointed. A minimum of three (3) members is required for any action to be taken.
Dismissal Procedures: In all instances where a hearing is requested the following hearing procedures shall apply:
- Service of notice of the hearing with specific reasons or charges against the faculty member together with the names of the members of the Hearing Committee shall be made in writing at least twenty (20) days prior to the hearing. The faculty member may waive a hearing or he/she may respond to the charges in writing at least five (5) days in advance of the date set for the hearing. If a faculty member waives a hearing, but denies the charges or asserts that the charges do not support a finding of adequate cause, the Hearing Committee shall evaluate all available evidence and rest its recommendation upon the evidence in the record;
- The Hearing Committee, in consultation with the president and the faculty member, may exercise its judgment as to whether the hearing should be public or private;
- During the proceedings the faculty member and the administration shall be permitted to have an academic advisor and/or counsel of his/her choice. The Hearing Committee will be permitted to have advisory counsel;
- At the request of either party or the chair of the Hearing Committee, a representative of a responsible education association shall be permitted to attend as an observer;
- A tape recording or transcript of the proceedings shall be kept and made available to the faculty member and the administration in the event an appeal is filed;
- An oath or affirmation shall be administered to all witnesses by any person authorized by law to administer oaths in the State of Georgia;
- The Hearing Committee may grant adjournments to enable either party to investigate evidence as to which a valid claim of surprise is made;
- The faculty member and the administration shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to obtain necessary witnesses and documentary or other evidence;
- The faculty member and the administration will have the right to confront and cross-examine all witnesses. Where the witness cannot or will not appear but the Committee determines that the interests of justice require the admission of his/her statement, the Committee will identify the witness, disclose his statement and if possible provide for interrogatories;
- The Hearing Committee will not be bound by strict rules of legal evidence and may admit any evidence which is of probative value in determining the issues involved. Every possible effort will be made to obtain the most reliable evidence available. All questions relating to admissibility of evidence or other legal matters shall be decided by the chair or presiding officer;
- The findings of fact and the decision of the Hearing Committee will be based solely on the hearing record;
- Except for such simple announcements as may be required covering the time of the hearing and similar matters, public statements and publicity about the case by either the faculty member or administrative officers should be avoided until the proceedings have been completed, including consideration by the Board of Regents in the event an appeal is filed. The president and the faculty member will be notified in writing of the decision and recommendation, if any, of the Hearing Committee;
- If the Committee concludes that adequate cause for dismissal has not been established by the evidence in the record, it will so report to the president. If the president does not approve the report, he should state his reasons in writing to the Committee for response before rendering his final decision. If the Committee concludes that an academic penalty less than dismissal would be more appropriate than dismissal, it may so recommend with supporting reasons. The president may or may not follow the recommendations of the Committee;
- After complying with the foregoing procedures, the president shall send an official letter to the faculty member notifying him/her of his/her retention or removal for cause. Such letter shall be delivered to addressee only, with receipt to show to whom and when delivered and address where delivered. The letter shall clearly state any charges which the president has found sustained and shall notify such person that he/she may appeal to the Board of Regents for review. The appeal shall be submitted in writing to the Chancellor within twenty (20) days following the decision of the president. It shall state the decision complained of and the redress desired. The Board or a committee of the Board shall investigate the matter thoroughly and render its decision thereon within sixty (60) days from the date of the receipt of the appeal or from the date of any hearing which may be held thereon;
- Upon dismissal by the president, the faculty member shall be suspended from employment without pay from the date of the final decision of the president. Should the faculty member be reinstated by action of the Board of Regents, he/she shall be compensated from the date of the suspension.”
B. The following additional standards or procedures apply to Georgia State University:
- A hearing committee which shall consist of five (5) faculty members shall be appointed by the Executive Committee of the University Senate from the entire faculty of the University in the manner described below. At the beginning of the year during which the Executive Committee is to serve it shall elect by secret ballot fifteen (15) faculty members from the entire faculty of the University, as the faculty is defined by the Board of Regents and as referenced in Article V, Section 1, of these Statutes. These faculty members shall be ranked from the highest to the lowest in order of the number of votes received. The five (5) faculty members with the highest number of votes shall be appointed by the Executive Committee as members of the Hearing Committee. The remaining ten (10) members shall serve as alternates in the order of the number of votes received. In the event that two (2) or more persons are elected by the same number of votes the presiding officer of the Executive Committee shall determine how they shall be ranked. The presiding officer of the Executive Committee shall serve when regular members are not available and are excused by the chair of this Hearing Committee for good reasons, as set forth above in Section 24, A.
- During the proceedings the parties shall have the right to be represented by an academic or other personal advisor or legal counsel of their own choice. The Hearing Committee shall also be permitted to have advisory counsel. The role of counsel shall be to advise the faculty member, administrative official, or the committee, but no party to the hearing shall have the right to address the committee in an intimidating or harassing manner, or to conduct the hearing in a manner inconsistent with the canons of civility, decorum, and academic propriety. In the event that any party to the hearing disrupts the proceedings or makes it impossible to continue an orderly hearing, in the judgment of the committee, such hearing may be recessed or terminated.
- The hearing committee in consultation with the President and the faculty member, may exercise its judgment as to whether the hearing should be public or private.
- The hearing referred to herein shall constitute the original hearing and all allegations, causes of action, or rebuttals of the charges must be specified at the time of such hearing; any subsequent appeal of the decision determined after the original hearing shall constitute the complete substance of any further appeal and shall be restricted solely to parties and matters originating on the hearing record. Thereafter, the appeal shall be reviewable only on the hearing record and there shall be no de novo hearings, except those which may be authorized by the Board of Regents, unless there is a showing with respect to the original hearing of fraud, lack of jurisdiction, substantial error materially prejudicing the right of the faculty member, or a finding that the hearing committee was arbitrary and capricious in its findings.
- The faculty member and advisor or counsel and the university administration, at the expense of each party, shall have the right to be present at and to participate in the questioning of any witness who cannot or will not appear before the hearing committee, with the witness’s answers to all questions being entered into the affidavit.
- The hearing committee shall make specific findings relative to each of the charges made. If the hearing committee concludes that an academic action less than dismissal would be more appropriate than dismissal, it may so recommend, with supporting reasons. The report shall be made to the President. Upon receipt of such report the President may refer the document to the appropriate vice president who must communicate the vice president’s recommendations on the charges and on the findings and recommendations of the hearing committee to the President.
- The President may approve an action less than dismissal, or may approve a recommendation for dismissal and remove the faculty member. If the President does not approve the recommendation of the hearing committee the President should state the reasons in writing to the committee for response before rendering a final decision. The faculty member shall be informed of the action taken and shall have the right to appeal any adverse recommendation to the Board of Regents in accordance with paragraph 14 of the preceding section on Dismissal Procedures.
Section 25. Faculty Grievance Policy.
A. Statement of Policy
Georgia State University has a tradition of excellence in all of its academic endeavors. To maintain this standard, faculty and administrators must work together in a respectful and collegial manner. This Policy exists to provide a fair and equitable process to resolve faculty grievances for alleged violations of University policy, procedure or established practice.
Georgia State University encourages informal, frank and open discussion to resolve disagreements. However, the University also recognizes that occasionally more formal processes are needed. All such activities, whether informal or formal, must be carried out by all participants within a framework of good faith collegiality. Those participating in the grievance process as outlined in this Policy and the accompanying Operating Procedures for Resolving Faculty Grievances will not be subject to reprisal or retaliation.
Grievances and the proceedings under this Policy will be treated with the greatest degree of confidentiality possible. Complainants are advised, however, that confidentiality can only be respected insofar as it does not interfere with the University’s obligations to investigate allegations of misconduct that require it to take corrective action, or to fulfill duties imposed by law, including, but not limited to, compliance with the Georgia Open Records Act, responses to discovery requests in litigation and third-party subpoenas.
When extenuating circumstances warrant, the Provost or the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs has authority to extend any of the time limits set forth in the Operating Procedures for Resolving Faculty Grievances.
Any question of interpretation regarding this Policy will he referred to the Provost for final determination. The Provost’s interpretation is not appealable.
B. Matters Excluded from Resolution through the Faculty Grievance Policy
This Policy does not apply to decisions made with regard to the following as they have their own policies and procedures for resolution:
- Tenure or promotion, including interpretation of policies or procedures related thereto
- Non-reappointment or non-extension of appointment
- Compensation
- Evaluation of performance
- Termination of tenured faculty for cause or termination of non-tenured faculty for cause prior to the expiration of their term of appointment
- Complaints involving allegations of discrimination or harassment
The Grievance Policy does not usurp and cannot be used in tandem with or after closure of matters involving tenure and promotion or discrimination or harassment. Matters involving tenure and promotion shall only be raised as set out in the University’s Promotion and Tenure Manual. Complaints related to discrimination or harassment shall be filed solely with and addressed by the Office of Equity and Civil Rights Compliance.
C. Related Documents
Procedures for Resolving Faculty Grievances
These procedures supplement the Policy on Faculty Grievances.
Effective Date: [insert date]
Conflicts frequently can be resolved if the parties involved communicate their concerns, listen to each other, and show a willingness to compromise and/or change. Often conflicts can be lessened, if not eradicated, by clearing up misperceptions and misunderstandings. Faculty members are strongly encouraged to resolve their concerns in this manner.
The Informal Grievance Resolution Process is designed to empower the parties to a grievance to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement. However, engaging in the Informal Grievance Resolution Process is not required before a formal grievance is filed.
All deadlines in these procedures are stated in terms of business days. If a deadline falls on a scheduled University holiday, the deadline will be the next scheduled business day of the University. If circumstances prevent the meeting of a deadline established in these procedures, the delay will be minimized and the steps of the procedure will proceed as close as possible to the deadlines outlined in these procedures.
A. Complainant-a member of the Faculty who seeks to resolve a grievance through the Faculty Grievance Policy and the procedures set forth herein.
B. Respondent-The Georgia State University employee(s) who made the decision or took the action on behalf of the University that precipitated the grievance.
A. Filing Written Statement of Concern
1. To begin the Informal Grievance Resolution Process, the Complainant must file a written statement of concern with the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs within 30 business days from the date in which the Complainant first knew, or could reasonably be expected to know, of the issue giving rise to the grievance or within 30 business days from the most recent incident in a series of related incidents. The statement must include:
- An explanation of the exact nature of the grievance, including relevant dates;
- The University policy, procedure, or established practice allegedly violated;
- The name(s) of the person(s), if known, responsible for the alleged violation; and
- The remedy sought and whether the Complainant is willing to participate in mediation.
- Upon receipt of the statement, the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, or designee, will determine whether the statement is timely and whether the matters cited are covered by Faculty Grievance Policy. If the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs is a party to the grievance, the statement will be forwarded to the Provost who will designate another academic administrator to perform the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs’ duties assigned herein.
- The Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, or designee, will provide notice of the statement to the Dean of the College and/or the head of the Unit, provided neither of these two positions is the Respondent.
- Within ten business days of receipt of the statement, the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs will share the statement with the Respondent. The Respondent will have ten business days from receipt of the statement to notify the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs whether the Respondent is willing to engage in mediation. If Respondent chooses not to participate, mediation will not proceed and the Complainant may pursue filing a formal grievance in accordance with section IV below.
- Within 10 business days of receipt of the statement, the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs will notify the Complainant in writing whether the grievance will be closed because it was untimely, failed to meet the eligibility criteria, the Respondent chose not to participate in mediation or will proceed to mediation.
- In the event it is determined that the grievance will not proceed further because it was determined to be untimely or the matters cited are not covered by the Policy, the Complainant may appeal such determination to the Provost. The appeal must be in writing and filed within l O business days of the Associate Provost for Faculty Affair’s decision. The decision of the Provost is final and is not appealable.
B. Mediation
1 . In the event that mediation will proceed, the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs will appoint a mediator to assist the parties in resolving the grievance. Such mediator may be selected among employees of the University. The mediator’s role is to assist the parties in arriving at a resolution of the dispute that is acceptable to both the Complainant and the Respondent(s).
2. The Complainant, Respondent and any other parties participating in mediation should keep all information related to the grievance and mediation confidential, except as necessary to fulfill the requirements of the Policy or to comply with applicable law. All matters discussed during mediation cannot be used as evidence in any subsequent formal resolution process, unless those matters were otherwise known by or available to the Complainant and Respondent(s) prior to the informal process.
3. Within 10 business days following the conclusion of the mediation, the mediator must complete and submit to the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs a report indicating whether or not the parties reached a resolution. Copies of the report will be sent to the Complainant and Respondent(s). If the parties reach a resolution, the grievance will be closed, as confirmed in writing by the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs to the Complainant and Respondent.
4. The Informal Grievance Resolution Process must be concluded within 30 business days from the appointment of the mediator unless the parties mutually agree to extend the time for conclusion of the Informal Grievance Resolution Process.
If the parties choose not to participate in mediation or the mediation fails to reach a resolution, the Complainant may initiate the Formal Grievance Resolution Process.
A. Initiation of Formal Grievance Resolution Process
- To initiate the Formal Grievance Resolution Process, a Complainant must file a Notice of Formal Grievance (“Notice”) with the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs no later than 10 business days after receiving either the notification that the Respondent did not elect to participate in mediation or the report indicating that the mediation failed to reach a resolution.
- If the Complainant did not initiate an Informal Grievance Resolution Process, the Notice must be filed within 30 business days from the date in which the Complainant first knew, or could reasonably be expected to know, of the issue giving rise to the Grievance or within 30 business days from the most recent incident in a series of related incidents.
- If the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs is a party to the Grievance, the Complainant must send the Notice to the Provost who will designate another academic administrator to perform the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs’ duties assigned in this Formal Grievance Resolution Process.
- The Notice must include all of the following:
- An explanation of the exact nature of the grievance, including relevant dates;
- The University policy, procedure, or established practice allegedly violated,
- The name(s) of the person(s), if known, responsible for the alleged violation; and
- The remedy sought, and
- Copies of all documents concerning the Grievance, including those that were sent or received during the Informal Grievance Resolution Process, if such process occurred.
- Within 10 business days after receipt of the Notice, the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs will review the Grievance and determine whether the Notice is timely, whether the subject matter of the Grievance is eligible for review under the Faculty Grievance Policy and notify the Complainant in writing whether the grievance is eligible to proceed.
- In the event the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs determines that the Grievance will not proceed further, the Complainant may appeal such determination to the Provost. The appeal must be in writing and filed within I0 business days of the issuance of the determination that the Grievance will not proceed. The decision of the Provost is final. Decisions not appealed within the time limit are deemed final.
- If the Grievance will proceed further, the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs will forward a copy of all materials received from the Complainant to the Respondent whose alleged actions or decisions are the basis for the Grievance. Within l 0 business days of receipt, the Respondent will provide a written response to the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs. The Respondent’s written response and any supporting documentation submitted will be forwarded by the Associate Provost to the Complainant.
- The Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs will also provide written notice to the appropriate Department head and Dean (if not a Respondent) of the existence of the Grievance, including the names of the Complainant and the Respondent(s).
B. Grievance Hearing Panel
- The Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs will appoint an impartial Grievance Hearing Panel of three faculty senators drawn from the Senate Hearing Committee based on the following criteria:
- A panelist shall not be in the same academic department as the Complainant or the Respondent or if there is no academic department than a panelist shall not be from the same College as the Complainant or the Respondent; and
- A panelist shall not have a conflict of interest with either party.
- Within five business days of receiving notice of the three faculty senators, the Complainant and the Respondent each may exclude up to one faculty senator as prospective panelists.
- If additional panelists arc needed and no other Senate Hearing Committee members are available or qualify, the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs will select the number of additional faculty needed to constitute a panel from the faculty at-large. Selected panelists must meet all the criteria stated above.
- The Associate Provost will notify the Complainant and Respondent of the final panel members and forward to the panel members the materials provided by the Complainant and Respondent.
- The Chair of the Grievance Hearing Panel, selected by the members of the Panel, must be a tenured faculty member. The Chair of the Grievance Hearing Panel will be responsible for conducting hearings, meetings, and issuing all communication on behalf of the panel.
C. Grievance Hearing Proceedings
- The Grievance may be withdrawn under the following conditions:
- The Complainant may withdraw the Grievance at any time;
- The Respondent agrees to provide the remedy sought by the Complainant in the Grievance Notice or otherwise come to a mutually satisfactory agreement; or
- Both the Complainant and the Respondent agree to withdraw the Grievance for another reason.
- Any agreement reached by the parties will be reviewed by the University’s General Counsel for legal sufficiency and compliance with University System and University policy and procedure.
- A hearing will commence no later than 20 business after a panel is constituted and will be open only to the participants and their respective advisors, unless both the Complainant and the Respondent request or agree otherwise. Such request or agreement must be submitted in writing to the Grievance Hearing Panel for consideration and approval.
- The order in which the various elements of the hearing described below occur is determined by the panel. The panel also may set reasonable time limits in which these elements must be completed. The determined order of the hearing and the time limits, if the panel chooses to set them, must be sent to both the Complainant and the Respondent(s) at least five business days prior to the hearing.
- The Complainant and the Respondent may each invite one individual to serve in an advisory capacity. Advisors can be present throughout the hearing to provide support and advice to their advisee and/or to observe the proceedings. However, they may not provide testimony, advocate, make statements, or otherwise participate in the hearing.
- The panel also is permitted to have advisory counsel during the proceeding.
- Both the Complainant and the Respondent may present oral and written statements, question each other, introduce witnesses, and question all witnesses. Witnesses may be present at the hearing only when they are making a statement or being questioned. An advisor may not also be a witness, nor may a witness be an advisor.
- The panel may question all participants speaking at the hearing as well as ask for additional information. The panel also may question witnesses. In addition, the panel may stop the presentation of information it deems irrelevant to the allegations. No new allegations may be introduced at the hearing.
- All panel members, participants, and advisors must respect the confidentiality of the information and records introduced at the hearing.
- An audio recording will be made of the hearing and kept in the Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Affairs. The panel, the Complainant, the Respondent, the Provost, the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, and any designee of such University officers may use the recording to review the proceedings. A written transcript will not be provided.
- The panel’s recommendation must be based solely on information made available by both the Complainant and the Respondent during the course of the Formal Grievance Resolution Process. If additional information is received by the panel outside the hearing, it must be shared with both parties to the Grievance prior to the hearing, and each must be given a reasonable opportunity to respond in writing.
- After the hearing has concluded, the panel will meet separately and determine by majority vote whether or not a preponderance of the evidence presented supports the allegations made by the Complainant regarding violation of University policy, procedure or established practice.
- Within 15 business days after completion of the hearing, the panel will provide a brief, written report of its findings, conclusions, and recommendations to the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, the Complainant and the Respondent. The Associate Provost will provide a copy of the Provost.
- The Provost will make a determination on the outcome of the grievance following review and consideration of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations. The determination will be provided in writing to the Complainant, the Respondent, the Dean and/or appropriate unit head, and the members of the panel within I0 business days of receipt of the panel’s recommendation.
- If the Provost participated in the hearing or was a party to the Grievance, the President will appoint another University academic administrator not associated with the Grievance to make and communicate the determination.
A. The Complainant and the Respondent each have the right to appeal the determination made by the Provost or other official designated in accordance with these procedures. Such appeal must be in writing, addressed to the President and filed within l O business days of the issuance of notification of the determination with all supporting materials attached. Decisions not appealed within such time arc deemed final.
B. The President in accordance with these procedures must make a determination on the appeal within I0 business days. Such determination will be communicated in writing to the Complainant, the Respondent, the members of the Grievance Hearing Panel, and the Provost or other official who made the determination regarding the Grievance. The written determination concerning the appeal constitutes the University’s final action.
Section 1. The presiding officer of the University faculty and the University Senate, and the deans of the several colleges and schools shall conduct all meetings in accordance with the provisions of the University Statutes and Bylaws of said bodies, and for matters not covered in such Statutes and Bylaws then in accordance with the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 2. The presiding officer shall appoint a parliamentarian to advise the presiding officer when questions arise concerning parliamentary law and shall request the parliamentarian’s advise prior to ruling on controversial questions.Section 3. The President shall decide all questions of the interpretation of these Statutes; and, in the event of questions, the President shall determine the nature and extent of the jurisdiction proper to the faculties of the colleges and schools and proper to the various administrative officers under these Statutes. The President shall settle all questions of conflict or jurisdiction which may arise. From the decision of the President on such questions, an appeal may be made through the Chancellor to the Board of Regents under such regulations as the Board of Regents may, from time to time, prescribe.
Section 1. Recognizing the paramount authority of the Board of Regents, the President shall have the duty of obtaining and causing to be put in the library five (5) copies of all pertinent policies, regulations, and bylaws of the Board of Regents. Two (2) copies of the documents shall be kept on reserve for library use only. Where such information has not been made available, this fact will be taken into consideration in the event of a controversy.
Section 2. Where the Bylaws and Policies of the Board of Regents are quoted in these Statutes, any amendment or change by the Board of Regents shall supersede such quotation. The President shall cause said changes to be included in the library copies, and the faculty shall be informed of matters affecting their interests.
Section 3. Official written policies and procedures which have been adopted and which affect the faculty at Georgia State University, including those concerning promotion, tenure, appeals, evaluation, and non-reappointment, shall be distributed to faculty members of the individual college or school affected and shall be forwarded to and maintained in the office of the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost who shall make them available upon request to any faculty member of the University, who may be required to pay for the cost of reproduction.
Section 1. The University Senate, subject to veto by the University faculty, shall have the power to recommend through the President to the Board of Regents any amendments to or any modifications of or any appeal from any portion of or all of these Statutes.
Section 2. The University Senate shall recommend amendments to the Statutes of the University in the following manner.A. The Committee on University Statutes and Senate Bylaws of the University Senate shall serve to initiate and review proposals to amend the University Statutes.B. Amendments which affect administrative officers or pertain to administrative policies of the University may be proposed to the Committee on University Statutes and Senate Bylaws by the President and Administrative Council.
C. Proposals to amend which originate in the Senate but outside the committee shall be presented to the committee for consideration and for a recommendation to the University Senate at least by the next regularly-scheduled meeting of the Senate. Proposals arising in the University Senate meetings, except in reports of the Committee on Statutes and Bylaws, shall be referred to the Committee for consideration and a recommendation at the next meeting.
D. The committee may propose amendments, or report its recommendations concerning proposals for amendments, at any regular meeting of the University Senate or at any special meeting called for the purpose of amending. The committee shall submit all such proposals and recommendations in writing to the members of the University Senate not later than ten (10) days prior to the meeting of the University Senate.
E. Proposed amendments must be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the University Senate members present, provided the required quorum is present at the time of voting.
Section 3.
A. Amendments to these Statutes also may be proposed at any time by any member of the faculty or officer of the administration. Proposals originating outside the University Senate Committee on University Statutes and Senate Bylaws shall be submitted in writing to the President of the University Senate who shall transmit them within one (1) week to the Committee on University Statutes and Senate Bylaws. After due deliberation, the committee shall report such proposed amendments and its recommendations to the university faculty for its consideration not later than one (1) regular meeting after the day on which the committee receives the proposed amendment, or not later than the second regular meeting after such day if the committee receives the proposed amendment ten (10) days or less prior to a regular faculty meeting.
B. Amendments to the Statutes proposed under this section must be approved by a two-thirds majority of the university faculty members present, provided the required faculty quorum is present at the time of voting.
Section 4. The President shall have the right to veto any amendment to these Statutes by advising the Committee on University Statutes and Senate Bylaws, within thirty (30) days after approval by the university faculty of such amendment, of the President’s veto and stating in writing the reasons therefore. The Committee shall transmit a copy of the President’s veto statement to each member of the faculty. Subsequently, the Committee may:
A. Recommend to the initiating body (either the Senate or full faculty) that no action be taken and that the veto be allowed to stand.
B. Confer with the President and attempt to work out an acceptable compromise for recommendation to the appropriate initiating body.
C. Request the President to call a special meeting of the appropriate initiating body to reconsider its approval or to reapprove its original action, with a request that the President reconsider. Senate or faculty reapproval of its original action must be by two-thirds majority of Senate or faculty members present at such meeting at which a quorum is present. If either the University Senate or faculty or the President refuses to recede, and if agreement cannot be reached, the matter shall be referred to the Board of Regents for review pursuant to the pertinent policies of the Board.
Section 5. These Statutes and amendments thereto become effective only after approval by the Board of Regents.
Summary of Amendments
4/11/24, University Statutes and Senate Bylaws Committee, Remove Article XVI, Non-Discrimination Policy, from the University Statutes. There are several versions of the policy in various publications at the university. The GSU Executive Team would like to complete one comprehensive policy. The current policy in the University Statutes does not meet all the legal obligations that GSU is expected to meet. The new comprehensive policy will be housed in general policies and removed from the University Statutes.
The President shall interpret these Statutes and any University Bylaws, when necessary, and shall exercise expressed and implied powers to implement them.
Affiliate Groups
From the Statutes of Georgia State University.
Section 1. Members. The Administrative Council shall consist of the President (who shall be presiding officer), the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, other administrative officers to be designated by the President (always to include the deans of the various colleges and schools, and the Dean of Libraries) and the members of the Executive Committee of the University Senate (See Article VI, Section 4 and Article VIII, Section 1).
Section 2. General Functions. The Administrative Council shall be an advisory body to the President on all administrative policies of the University. The Council may recommend to the President such rules and regulations as will facilitate the administrative operations of the University, bring about closer correlation of its various departments and divisions, and improve the quality of all phases of its work.
Section 3. Special Functions. The members of the Executive Committee of the University Senate shall constitute an advisory committee of the faculty which the President may consult. The President may seek the advice of this committee in the handling of any problems that may arise.
The Administrative Council consists of the President (who is the presiding officer), the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost, other administrative officers to be designated by the President (always to include the deans of the various colleges and schools, and the Dean of Libraries) and the members of the Executive Committee of the University Senate.
This contained the shortcode for the meeting minutes in Download Manager
Determine if there is a current localist calendar.
Voting Members
- Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Nicolle Parsons-Pollard (Chair)
- Executive Vice President & COO Jared Abramson
- Senior Vice President for Student Success Allison Calhoun-Brown
- Interim Vice President for Research and Economic Development Donald Hamelberg
- Associate Vice President for Advancement Tabatha Michel
- Director of the School of Music Chester Phillips
- Chair, Senate Planning and Development Committee Jaye Atkinson
- Senate Budget Committee representative Unil Perera
- Additional Senator Selected by P&D Victoria Mariani
- Additional Senator Selected by P&D Lyshandra Bennett
- Staff Senator Nikki Marshall (Chair, University Staff Council)
- Staff Senator Erin Weeks Vice Chair, University Staff Council
- SGA Representative James Wilson (President, GSU Student Body-SGA)
Non-voting Members
- Associate Vice President, Facilities Management Kim Bauer
- Director of Facilities Planning Kelly Wilson
- Assistant Provost for Administrative Operations Chip Hill
- Vice President for Facilities Ramesh Vakamudi
Document Manager
- No events scheduled at this time
Contact Us
Questions and concerns relating to the University Senate, the Senate Bylaws, and/or the University Statutes can be sent to the University Senate and Staff Council Office, which provides administrative support.
Dionne Polite
In-Person Office:
Aderhold Learning Center
60 Luckie St NW
Suite 125
Atlanta, GA 30303
Mailing Address
Box 3966
Atlanta, GA 30302-3966